Espresso: A Concentrated Introduction to Java

Short Reference on Arrays

Array Declaration
Type[] name
E.g., int[] grades
E.g., String[] names
Array Construction
new Type[size]
E.g., grades = new int[5];
E.g., names = new String[num_students + num_faculty];
Array Initialization During Construction
new Type[] { v0, v1, ..., vn };
E.g., new int[] { 5, 3, 1 }
E.g., new String[] { "Hello", "Goodbye" }
E.g., new Fraction[] { new Fraction("1/3"), new Fraction(a,b) };
Array Length
E.g., pen.println("I have recorded " + grades.length + " grades for you.");
Getting a value
E.g., pen.println(names[i]);
Setting a value
name[index] = newvalue
E.g.,. grades[i] = 100;


Saturday, 5 March 2005

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Samuel A. Rebelsky