Espresso: A Concentrated Introduction to Java

Reusing and Generalizing Code, Part Two: Building New Classes from Old with Inheritance

Summary: We consider how the object-oriented design principle of inheritance permits programmers to build new classes from old, and automatically incorporate features from those classes.

Prerequisites: Class basics.


Introduction: Reducing Coding Effort

As we saw in the reading on polymorphism, one of the great benefits of polymorphism is that the programmer need only write a method once, and that method can naturally be used on a variety of kinds of data. In fact, one of the central reasons that object-oriented programming is so popular is that it does such a good job at encouraging and supporting code reuse. Polymorphism provides one kind of reuse. Encapsulation provides a second kind of reuse, because it encourages programmers to develop self-contained classes and objects.

Object-oriented languages traditionally provide a third kind of reuse: inheritance. The principle of inheritance is fairly simple: If we want to build a new class that is similar to an existing class, we can automatically incorporate all the fields and methods of the existing class.

An Example: Modeling People in Colleges

Let's consider a simple example. Suppose we are responsible for modeling the interactions at a college or university. We might begin by designing a Person class. That class is likely to have fields for a name, a gender, an age, physical characteristics, and whatever else the designer deems appropriate.

But colleges and university tend to classify people. Some people are professors. Some are students. Some are academic staff. Some are hangers-on. How do we handle that classification? One possibility is to add a separate field, classification. Unfortunately, that field does not suffice for the complexity of the different roles. For example, students are likely to have a grade point average, a student id number, a major, an accumulated debt, and many other characteristics. Faculty members are likely to have different characteristics, including a department, a salary, a Ph.D. (or Masters') institution, and so on and so forth.

What we'd like to do is say that every student is a person, and every faculty member is a person, but that each has different additional characteristics.

Strategy One: Generalizing People with Polymorphic Fields

How can we implement such a situation? One possibility is to include a polymorphic field within the Person class that links to additional information. In that case, we might write something like:

public class Person 
   String classification;
   Information additionalInfo;
   public String answer(String question)
   } // answer(String)
   public void marry(Person mate)
   } // marry(Person)
} // class Person

public interface Information
} // interface Information

public class StudentInfo
  implements Information
   * The student's debt to the college, in dollars.  Note that
   * we use a long rather than an int because debt may exceed
   * the largest int.
  long debt;
} // class StudentInfo

public class FacultyInfo
  implements Information
  /** The year in which the faculty member was hired.  */
  int yearHired;
} // class FacultyInfo

While this strategy seems okay in the abstract, it gets very problematic when you start worrying about details. For example, faculty and students are likely to have different methods. How do we distinguish those methods? In fact, even when they have the same methods, they are likely to respond to them differently. For example, when asked a question, students often pause and stammer, but professors pontificate.

In addition, this strategy creates some problems with encapsulation because the client of a Person will need to extract the additionalInfo field and work directly with that object.

Strategy Two: Wrapping People

An alternative strategy is to turn things around a bit. Rather than putting the additional information within the Person class, we can put the Person within each kind of person. For example,

public class Professor
  Person personData;
  int yearHired;
  public String answer(String question)
    return "The solution is obvious if you simply consider the Church-Rosser theorem.";
  } // answer(String)

  public void marry(Person mate)
  } // marry(Person)
} // class Professor

public class Student
  Person personData;
  long debt;
  public String answer(String question)
    return "Ummm ... I'm not sure.";
  } // answer(String)

  public void marry(Person mate)
  } // marry(Person)

  public void enroll(Course c)
  } // enroll(Course)
} // class Student

This solution is somewhat better, in that (a) Student and Professor can provide different methods (e.g., Student provides enroll and Professor does not); (b) Student and Professor can provide different implementations of the same method (e.g., they implement answer differently); (c) clients can still use the methods of Person, provided the implementers of Student and Professor provide a mechanism to access those methods, as they've done with marry.

Unfortunately, this solution is not polymorphic. In particular, we can't use a Student in place of a Person, so students cannot marry other students. (It's probably good that our model does not permit students to marry professors.) We can make the solution polymorphic by changing Person from a class to an interface, and then creating a GenericPerson class that looks like the old Person class.

public interface Person
  public void marry(Person other)
    throws Exception;
  public String answer(String question);
} // interface Person

public class GenericPerson
  implements Person
  String lastName;
  public void marry(Person other)
    throws Exception
} // class GenericPerson

public class Professor
  implements Person
  GenericPerson personData;
  int yearHired;
  public void marry(Person mate)
    throws Exception
    if (mate instanceof Professor) {
      throw new Exception("Professors should not marry students.");
  } // marry(Person)
} // class Professor

public class Student
  Person personData;
  long debt;
  public void marry(Person mate)
    throws Exception
    if (mate instanceof Professor) {
      throw new Exception("Students should not marry professors.");
  } // marry(Person)
} // class Student

This strategy is better, but it includes a lot of needless coding. In particular, for every method that GenericPerson provides, Student and Professor must provide a method that, in essence, does little more than call the corresponding method in GenericPerson (as was the case in the original implementations of marry).

A Better Strategy: Inheritance

Is there anything better that you can do? Given the Java you've learned so far, no. However, Java provides a feature designed specifically for this kind of problem: inheritance. Inheritance permits you to say that one class is based on another, and have that class automatically gain the fields and methods of the original class. In Java terminology, you say that one class extends another. You put the extends command in the class header, as in the following.

public class NewClass
  extends OldClass
} // class NewClass

Inheritance also supports polymorphism: You can use a member of the new class (also called the subclass) wherever you can use a member of the original class (also called the superclass)>

In our continuing example, we might write

public class Person
   int age;
   Gender gender;
   public int getAge()
     return this.age;
   } // getAge()
   public String answer(String question)
     return "Maybe.";
   } // answer(String)
   public void marry(Person mate)
   } // marry(Person)
} // class Person
public class Professor
  extends Person
} // class Professor
public class Student
  extends Person
} // class Student

In this example, Student and Professor have age and gender fields and answer and marry methods, even though neither declares one.

As importantly, you can use a Professor or a Student wherever a Person is required, so it is easy to write polymorphic code.

Of course, we need to put stuff in the body of a subclass (where a subclass is a class that extends another class). We will consider fields, constructors, and methods separately.

Fields in a Subclass

You can create whatever fields you want in the subclass. However, it is generally considered a bad idea to have fields whose names match the names in the superclass. In the continuing example, we might want to add simple fields to the Faculty and Student classes.

public class Professor
  extends Person
  int yearHired;
} // class Professor
public class Student
  extends Person
  long debt;
} // class Student

Adding New Methods to Subclasses

It is similarly easy to add new methods to a subclass. You simply write a method as you would otherwise.

public class Student
  extends Person
  public void enroll(Course c)
    this.debt = this.debt + c.getCost();
  } // enroll(Course)
} // class Student

Overriding: Changing the Behavior of Methods

Of course, when you write a new class, you want to do more than create new fields and new methods (and reuse old fields and new methods); there are also times that you want to change the behavior of the old methods. The term for such a change is overriding. To override a method, you simply write the new version of the method.

public class Professor
  extends Person
  public String answer(String question)
    return "The solution is obvious if you simply consider the Church-Rosser theorem.";
  } // answer(String)
} // class Professor
public class Student
  extends Person
  public String answer(String question)
    return "Ummm ... I'm not sure.";
  } // answer(String)
} // class Student

Now, if we call the answer method of what appears to be a Person, Java determines at run time whether it's a generic Person, a Professor, or a Student, and calls the appropriate answer method.

For example, the following code prints Maybe., then a long-winded quote, and then Ummm ... I'm not sure.

Person p;
p = new Person(...);
p.answer("Should we evalute the parameters to a function before or after we apply th function?");
p = new Professor(...);
p.answer("Should we evalute the parameters to a function before or after we apply th function?");
p = new Student(...);
p.answer("Should we evalute the parameters to a function before or after we apply th function?");

Your job gets a little bit more difficult when you want to slightly change the behavior of a method, but still use parts of the original. In this case, you can refer to the original method, but you must preface the name of the method with super.

For example, here we write a politically safe marry method.

public class Professor
  extends Person
  public void marry(Person mate)
    throws Exception
    if (mate instanceof Professor) {
      throw new Exception("Professors should not marry students.");
  } // marry(Person)
} // class Professor

Constructing Members of Subclasses

Of course, we also need to write constructors for our subclasses. Writing constructors turns out to be the most difficult part of inheritance. In particular, the first line of the constructor of a subclass must be a call to the constructor of the superclass. That call uses the keyword super as a function in place of the name of the superclasses' constructor and without an additional new. For example,

public class Person
  public Person(Gender _gender, int _age)
    this.gender = _gender;
    this.age = _age;
  } // Person(Gender, int)
} // class Person
public class Professor
  extends Person
  public Professor(String discipline, Gender _gender, int _age)
    super(_gender, _age);
    this.discipline = discipline;
  } // Professor(String, Gender, int)
} // class Professor

Unfortunately, if you reverse the two lines of that constructor, Java will complain.


Sunday, 25 September 2005 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]

Tuesday, 28 February 2006 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]

Thursday, 2 March 2006 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]

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