Espresso: A Concentrated Introduction to Java

Laboratory: Inheritance

Summary: In today's laboratory, you will explore inheritance in Java by building and extending some simple classes.




Exercise 0: Preparation

You will continue to work with project Code and the package username.util.

Exercise 1: Your Base Class

Write a class, Counter, in package username.util. The class will allow clients to build objects that count things, starting at some value.

The class should contain

Here is a simple tester for that class.

package username.util;


public class WhatCounts
  public static void main(String[] args)
    throws Exception
    PrintWriter pen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    Counter alpha = new Counter(0);
    Counter beta = new Counter(123);
    Counter gamma = new Counter(-5);
    pen.println("Original version of alpha: " + alpha.value());
    pen.println("Original version of beta: " + beta.value());
    pen.println("Original version of gamma: " + gamma.value());
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      pen.println("Incrementing ...");
      try { alpha.increment(); }
      catch (Exception ea) { pen.println("Failed to increment alpha."); }
      try { beta.increment(); }
      catch (Exception ea) { pen.println("Failed to increment beta."); }
      try { gamma.increment(); }
      catch (Exception ea) { pen.println("Failed to increment gamma."); }
    } // for
    pen.println("Incremented version of alpha: " + alpha.value());
    pen.println("Incremented version of beta: " + beta.value());
    pen.println("Incremented version of gamma: " + gamma.value());
    pen.println("Reset version of alpha: " + alpha.value());
    pen.println("Reset version of beta: " + beta.value());
    pen.println("Reset version of gamma: " + gamma.value());
  } // main(String[])
} // class WhatCounts

Exercise 2: Decrementable Counters

a. Create a new class, DecrementableCounter, that has the following form:

public class DecrementableCounter
  extends Counter
  public DecrementableCounter(int _start)
  } // DecrementableCounter(int)
} // class DecrementableCounter

b. Change the initialization of gamma so that it reads

    Counter gamma = new DecrementableCounter(-5);

c. What effect to you expect this change to have? Confirm or refute your answer experimentally.

d. Add a decrement() method to DecrementableCounter This method should subtract one from the count field.

e. Add lines to WhatCounts to test that method.

f. Change the initialization of gamma so that it reads

    DecrementableCounter gamma = new Counter(-5);

g. What effect to you expect this change to have? Confirm or refute your answer experimentally.

h. Restore the initialization of gamma to

    Counter gamma = new DecrementableCounter(-5);

Exercise 3: Naming Counters

a. Create a new class, NamedCounter, that has the following form

public class NamedCounter
  extends Counter
  String name;
  public NamedCounter(String _name, int _start)
    super(_start); = _name;
  } // NamedCounter(String, int)
} // class NamedCounter 

b. Update WhatCounts so that the initialization of alpha reads

    Counter alpha = new NamedCounter(0);

c. What effect do you expect this change to have? Confirm or refute your prediction experimentally.

d. Override the toString method by inserting the following code into NamedCounter

  public String toString()
    return + super.toString();
  } // toString()

e. What effect do you expect this change to have? Confirm or refute your prediction experimentally.

f. Swap the two lines in the constructor for NamedCounter and determine what errors, if any, you get.

g. Restore the constructor.

Exercise 4: Double Counters

a. Create a new class, DoubleCounter, that has the following form

public class DoubleCounter
  extends Counter
} // class DoubleCounter 

b. What error messages, if any, do you receive?

c. Insert a constructor for DoubleCounter of the following form

  public DoubleCounter(int _start)
  } // DoubleCounter(int)

d. Update WhatCounts so that the initialization of beta reads

    Counter beta = new DoubleCounter(123);

e. What effect do you expect this change to have? Confirm or refute your prediction experimentally.

f. Override the increment method by inserting the following code into DoubleCounter

  public void increment()
  } // increment()

g. What effect do you expect this change to have? Confirm or refute your prediction experimentally.

Exercise 5: Limited Counters

a. Create a subclass of Counter called LimitedCounter that includes

b. Determine the results of changing the initialization of gamma to

  Counter gamma = new LimitedCounter(-5,3);

Exercise 6: Limited Counters, Revisited

a. Make LimitedCounter a subclass of DoubleCounter rather than a subclass of Counter. (That is, change the line that reads extends Counter to read extends DoubleCounter.)

b. What effect, if any, do you expect that change to have? Confirm or refute your results experimentally.


Thursday, 2 March 2006 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]

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Samuel A. Rebelsky