Onerous Ownership?

Miscellaneous Homework 5: Select A Topic

Summary: In this exercise, you will select a topic that you explore in Tutorial for the remainder of the semester.

Purpose: To begin your topic-based work.

Due: 8:15 a.m., Tuesday, 13 September 2005

The Assignment: Identify two or three subjects that you expect will reveal interesting connections between intellectual property law and information technology. You may focus on a particular kind of IP law (e.g., copyright, fair use, patents, trademarks) or on IP law in general. Similarly, you can focus on a particular kind of technology (e.g., Web links) or upon information technology in general. You should feel free to phrase your subject as a question, as a statement, or even as a sequence of ideas.

Some Selected Starting Sites:

You can (and perhaps even should) start your exploration for this assignment by talking to people. Who should you talk to? Mr. Rebelsky and Ms. Bonath (our Tutorial's librarian) are good resources. Your colleagues in Tutorial are also good resources.

You might find it useful to search newspaper archives (ask a librarian for assistance) to see if there are recent cases that you find surprising or worth investigating in more depth.

A number of books cover these kinds of topics in depth. Feel free to ask Mr. Rebelsky or Ms. Bonath for help finding one. The books for our class (particularly Green & Rebelsky and McLeod) are also good starting points.

You might consider one of the following Web sites:



Wednesday, 3 September 2003 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]

Thursday, 4 September 2003 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]

Thursday, 18 August 2005 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]


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Samuel A. Rebelsky,