Writing in College

This is a local copy of Writing in College by Joseph Williams and Lawrence McEnerney, available online at http://writing-program.uchicago.edu/resources/collegewriting/index.htm. It has been copied and updated for Grinnell with permission of the writing laboratory at the University of Chicago. I've also reformatted the document to improve the printed copy. You can find this PDF version at http://www.cs.grinnell.edu/~rebelsky/Courses/Tutorial/2003F/Readings/Williams/handout.pdf.

The original guide is intended to help first and second year students at the University of Chicago write effective papers in the Humanities Core and Social Sciences Core. It has been updated for students in Sam Rebelsky's tutorial, Owning Bits: Intellectual Property in the Information Age. If you wish to learn more about the principles of organization and argumentation you find here, you may consult with the staff of Grinnell's writing lab or with Mr. Rebelsky.

Copyright © by the Humanities Collegiate Division, The College, The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.