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EBoard 11: Alumni Visit

This class will be recorded! Its use will be limited to members of the class. Please do not share with others.

Approximate overview

  • Visitor
  • Preliminaries
    • Administrative stuff
    • Q&A


An insufficient set of links

Administrative stuff

General Notes

  • Congratulations to those of you who were admitted to Phi Beta Kappa at yesterday’s ceremony. (Congratulations to all of you for bei awesome people.)
  • Happy Friday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget that we celebrate Mother’s day in the US this weekend. If you are fortunate enough to have a mother, and a mother with whom you get along, please wish them a happy mother’s day.
  • Grades should be forthcoming on Monday. (Don’t worry, if you turn in everything, you pass.)
  • I’ve cancelled Investigation 7. We’ll do something similar (but lighter) in class.
  • Although the final is listed on the schedule, there is no final. Ideally, you’ll have everything done by the last day of class.

Upcoming Activities

  • Saturday: The Grinnellian 2-6 p.m. An open mic at the commencement stage.
  • Sunday: ISO Cultural Evening, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Next Thursday: Some CS talk. Or maybe Data Science.

Work for Monday’s class

  • Decide which task you want to work on. We’ll spend part of Monday’s class talking about prototypes and part of Monday’s class buidling them.
  • Readings forthcoming this evening.

Work for Friday’s class

  • Have prototypes ready to test. (Probably half the class time.) I think we can do focus-group-style testing.

Work for Monday the 17th