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EBoard 10: Brainstorming and Ideation and Sketching

This class will be recorded! Its use will be limited to members of the class. Please do not share with others.

Approximate overview

  • Preliminaries
    • Administrative stuff
    • Q&A
  • Debrief on Friday’s activities
  • Teams and team formation
  • Ideation, brainstorming, and sketching
  • Break
  • Project 5, Part 1

Administrative stuff

General Notes

  • Happy Monday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Let’s share a word about your weekend.
    • Painful. Um. Unproductive [+1]. Fun [+1]. Hectic [+1]. Short [+1]. Busy. Pink. Allergic. Relaxing [+2]. Lazy [+1]. Satisfying. Tasty. Stressful. Fulfilling. Productive. Boring. Hot. Eventful.
  • We will have an alum visit on Friday. You will not have any reading for Friday, but you will need to finish Investigation 5 (which should be relatively straightforward).
  • Check-in on workload. Seems to be going well. Yay collaborative design.

Upcoming Activities

  • Wednesday at 5pm: Financial iteracy. Learn about all those things you need to know as an adult. How to save for an IRA and pay off your student loans.
  • Convo Thursday on the STEM pipeline.
  • Saturday: The Grinnellian 2-6 p.m. An open mic at the commencement stage.
  • Sunday: ISO Cultural Evening, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Work for Friday’s class


Debrief on Friday’s activities

What did you learn about quick-and-dirty usability testing?

What would you do differently next time?

What did you learn being a research subject?

How did the rapid-interview technique work?

Should I use it again when I teach the class again? How should I modify it?

Notes are in the channel for this class period (at least I think they are).


A slightly early break.

Team Time