CSC323.01 2010S, Extra Credit Checklist Academic Activites Individual Activities (enter an X for those you attended) [ ] Gene Gaub concert on Jan. 28 [ ] Rosenfield Symposium on the Media [ ] Panel on Open Information Culture [ ] Performance associated with Kluber/Simon exhibit [ ] Ian Bone's brown-bag lunch on Technical Interviews [ ] Other: Recurring Activities (enter the number of times you attended each) [ ] Convocation / Thursday Forum [ ] CS Department Talks ("Thursday Extras") [Not counting StatsGames] [ ] CS Table (Friday at noon in a PDR in JRC. Ask me for readings.) Supporting Classmates Remember! You don't get credit for the activities in which others are supporting you. For example, if you're on a team, you don't get credit for attending your own games. Similarly, if your organization hosted an event, you don't get credit for attending. Individual Activities (enter an X for those you attended) [ ] Orchestra Concert [ ] StatsGames Talk [ ] Other: