CSC323 2010S, Class 02: An Introduction to Python Overview: * Beautiful Code: Python Dictionaries. * Python * Important Characteristics. * The Basics. * Programming Exercises: * Some Basics. * Binary Search. * A Fraction Class. Admin: * It appears that few of you noticed the "instructions for readings". Make sure to send me a short question on each of the two readings for Tuesday. * As you'd expect, I will not respond to your introductory surveys until (at least) Tuesday. * Beautiful Code reading for Tuesday: Chapter 27: Integrating Business Partners the Restful Way. * Topical reading for Tuesday: Read (or reread) 'Python 101' * Don't forget tomorrow's CS table. Noon. JRC Day PDR. If on meal plan, please use your plan. If not, charge the department. * Final exam will probably be on Tuesday * But you may get a take-home component, too Dictionaries in Python * What is the primary goal of the code in this chapter? * To explain how dictionaries "work" in Python * Primarily how they're implemented * Dictionaries are things that "hold" various types of items * association lists are O(size of table) for lookup and insert * hash tables are EXPECTED O(1) for lookup and insert * Even outside of Python, a dictionary is a generalization of the association list or hash table: It maps keys to values * Key idea of hash tables: Arrays are fast. So just turn the key into an integer in a restricted range$a * Potential problem: Often many more values in the type than there are in the range of integers. * Important design issue: Don't focus too much on the implementation. Come up with characteristics, and then permit multiple implementations * In OO-speak: Design the interface before the implementation * In more general speak: ADTs are better than DSs * What didn't you understand in the chapter? * How do you generate the hash code? * We assume that each type/class provides its own hash method * The default (stupid) hash method is "memory location" * What does it mean that they "cache" the hash code? * They store it in the structure * Saves recomputation * Makes many comparisons faster * Why are there nulls in the hash table? * What does "less code is more local in the cache" really mean? * Keep stuff nearby so we don't have to do multiple fetches to the cache memory * Prerequisite: What do we mean by "cache"? * Cache: In general: "remember" * One way: We store a computed value - important trick in dynamic programming * Another way: When dealing with code or memory, we put recent stuff in faster memory ("the cache") * Why is the code beautiful? * Straightforward implementation - You can read the code and understand (more or less) what they're doing, even if you don't understand all of the principles involved. Not a lot of fancy functions or tricks (except the use of function pointers) * Code may be relatively short (not claimed) * Also very fast, which it should be b/c it's called a lot * Experimental testing in real situations to ensure efficiency * Lots of straightforward 'hacks' that help keep it fast, such as a free list of dictionaries. * In spite of speed, it's also general * Good for huge dictionaries (50K keys) * Good for small dictionaries (2 keys) * Usable for explicit dictionaries * Usable for implicit dictionaries (e.g., those for function calls or for objects) * Why might we say that the code is not beautiful? * At least according to the pornographic source code that we were looking at, it appears that it has some potential problems * Some people hate 'these numbers seemed to work' w/o any analysis * It's hard to tell which hacks are necessary, which possible ones that might be useful haven't been done, and such On to Python * Python is a scripting language * It is interpreted rather than compiled, or at least appears to be. * Can be run in an interactive environment. * No separate compile step. * Write scripts (which differ from programs how?) * Programs that run or communicate with other programs * Scripting big applications (e.g., Script-Fu) * Scripts for working with Unix-like OS's * Python has made interesting syntactic decisions * Structure of a program is inferred from indentation * Python supports multiple paradigms * Clearly designed for imperative approaches * But a good OOP structure built on top of it * Including multiple inheritance * Even some functional aspects * Functions as a core data type: You can write higher-order functions and stuff like that * Functions that take functions as arguments or return functions as values (as both) * E.g., compose, map * You can write anonymous functions * Lots of built-in useful data types * Strings * Lists (that behave a lot like extensible arrays) * Dictionaries * And more * A cool function model in which you can have both positional and optional named parameters Let's play with Python * 2.5 ways to get files into Python * execfile('') * import base-of-file