CSC323 2010S, Class 13: Concepts: Dynamic Code Overview: * Quick project discussion. * Dynamically loading modules in Python. * Dynamically loading modules in Java. * Fun with Make. * Beautiful Code: Code in motion. Admin: * I've made a few updates to the schedule. I'm also making some updates to the grading policies, since the course has taken a bit of a different tack than I had planned. * Reading for Thursday: Thinking in Tkinter. Send questions. * No BC reading for Thursday. * Thursday will be a "headless lab". I'd recommend that you all do it during class time, but you may find it useful to do it at other times. * Assignment for next Tuesday: A preliminary UML architecture for the project. * Client and a server, need UML for both * Write with your project group * No, you don't need to code for my class during spring break. Project Stuff: * This week: Build UML * Don't expect it to be final * Be prepared to share with your classmates * Be prepared to critique each others' * Think about acceptable subparts * Next week: * Talk about UML * Set up a project schedule * You need project teams * Sam's hypothesis: Three teams of four * Options for picking teams * Random * The hell of high-school gym sports * Cliques * Random as categorized * Randomized pairs * Jeff + Dennis + Dylan + Nathan * Josh + Jordan + Terian + Nora * Alex + Jesse + Ravi + Aaron * Remember: Your pointy-haired manager is likely to shuffle groups Friday's CS table: An interesting perspective on code. Your applications should be able to dynamically load parts of their code. * Useful technique * Can change your program on the fly * Extend without recompile and without relinking * Ideally, no downtime in the system, even when you're applying patches * Let's try to build a system that does this * Read-Eval-Print loop: Repeatedly * Read in a class name * Build an object in that class (if possible) * Call that object's run method * Let's try it in Python and in Java * Design UNIT TESTS * Really basic tests * Confirm that the class name, as typed in, is correct. * User types in name of existing class and it runs successfully * User types in name of non-existing class and it reports an error but does not crash * Make a class, type in the name, and it loads the new class and runs successfully. * Build a class that will run that loop * Steps in the main body read in a class name try-catch block to make sure that it succeeds create an element of that class run its run method catch print error message * See Examples/Dynamic/Python for the Python version * Java steps to build the object * Call Class.forName(str) to get the Class (c) * Call c.getConstructor() to get the Constructor (cons) * Call cons.newInstance() to get the object (o) * Call to run it. * See Examples/Dynamic/Java/Sam for a Java version * Problem: Doesn't reload when code changes * Note: Our unit tests can even create Python source code on the fly, so we can write unit tests that say "Check non-existant file, Make file, Check again." Makefiles * When building large projects, you often have to type long complicated commands cc -L. -L/tmp/foo -I/glimmer/bin -lbozo -Wall -g -O3 -foo.c * You also need to sequence commands * Build .o files before you link them together * Make exists to help automate these tasks * Normal structure: TARGET: THINGS-IT-DEPENDS-UPON INSTRUCTIONS-FOR-MAKING-THE-TARGET * Variables help you * E.g. Flags for compiling .c files * Define with VARNAME = WHATEVER * Use with $(VARNAME) * Some variables get built in $< - things on right (or newest thing on right, I never remember) - prefix of the target (if the target is, this is just foo)