CSC 323, Class 26 Overview: * Group presentations * Project work Admin: * I hate Windows, particularly Windows malware ("Antimalware Doctor") * Your security concerns. * Buy a few drives. * Issues on campus. * Tuesday: Project time. * Thursday: Wrapup. * How much time should you spend on the project this week? * Seven hours. * What if Jordan spends seven hours today and finishes it? * Then you can spend your seven hours cleaning up the code, documenting it, building and testing new creatures, and adding feeping creaturism. * At this point, you should be able to write a "Build a Creature" GUI in under seven hours, right? * Loading boards! * Teach each other stuff! GUI * Works! * But slow * Ignores update messages from world; just queries the world on its own. * And leaks memory Network * "It works" - we did everything on the list from last time. * Need to connect to the GUI and the model. Model * Species database can read in S-expressions of species from a file * Everything else seems to work Tasks for today * Fix bugs in Sam's parser ("But it passes the unit tests!") * Get changes from world, rather than updating everything. Tasks for later * Deal with memory leaks * Deal with more memory leaks * Write some fun species * Integrate with network world New groups: * Integrate network and GUI * Includes round-robin setup * JQ, JR, RC, AC * Build creature GUI * NC, TK, JS, DV * Obvious * The "make it fun" group * NL, AT, DG, JT * Fix bugs! * Some kind of win condition * New creatures * Load/save state Everyone: * Clean up anything