CSC323 2010S, Class 25: Design Patterns (3): Structual Patterns Overview: * Structural Patterns * Basic wrapper patterns * Group wrapper patterns * Other wrapper patterns * Other structural patterns * Project fun Admin: * EC for Convo on Thursday. * EC for CS Table on Friday. * Parser * T-shirt idea: Sheep on front w/ "Why is there a sheep on the CS T-shirt" Back: "It's a lamb, DUH." * No reading for Thursday! * Bring: * Short status reports. * Goals for class period. What makes a pattern "Structural" * Describes structures/relationships among objects * Describes how classes and objects are combined to form larger structures. * In contrast, creational and behavioral speak more about interaction. * But structural have some interaction and c/b have some structure. Most of the structural patterns involve "wrapping" an existing class to alter its functionality in some way. * Hence, it can be hard to distinguish these patterns, since "wrap" is the basic operation Basic Wrapper Patterns * Adapter * Bridge * The Adapter pattern * Start with a similar but not quite matching need and capability * Need in one class * Capability in another class * The adapter links the two * It provides the needed capabilities using the provided capabilities * Example: Stored as integers, Client needs T/F. Adapter translates from one to the other. * Example: Have Array. Need List. * Two techniques for adapting (Class Pattern or Object Pattern) * How might we decide which one to use? * Memory usage * Resiliance to change * Proliferation of classes * Repetition of code * Generality / Generalizability * Bridge: Handling independent changes Group Wrappers: Take lots of objects and put them together into a single "thing" * Composite * Facade * Composite: Allows a group of objects to be treated in the same way as a single element of the objects. * Example: Predicate * The And object has the same methods as the things we And together * Composites let us build nice hierarchical structures at run time. * Why does the composite object (e.g., And) aggregate its stuff rather than associate? * To enforce tree-like structures * Note: While the standard pattern permits the composite objects to add and lose children, Sam believes in building non-mutable structures. * Facade: Provides a simpler interface for a large and complex group of objects. * Instead of dealing with the individual objects, clients deal only with the front-end object. * E.g., a manager with a department * E.g., a computer does "X" rather than "the memory does A and the CPU does B and the keyboard does "C" * Why is this a good model? * Conceals complexity: Client only deals with simplified model * Makes it easier to change underlying archicture * Why might this be a less good model? * Conceals features: You can no longer tweak the individual components. * Improving?: You can also give the client access to the internals * How might we use Facade in our project? * One might argue that any compound class is a facade, so Network * We could treat World is more of a facade Other wrapper patterns * Decorator * Proxy * Decorator: Wrap a class and provide the same interface as the wrapped class. * Add functionality to wrapped class * Proxy: Wrap a class and provide the same interface as the wrapped class. * Purpose: To delay or simplify the operation of the wrapped class. * Decorator: * Example: Readers in Java * Example: Debugging/Logging wrappers void quux() printf("quux()") this.stuff.quux() Simple change in program to get debugging. From this.stuff = new Foo() to this.stuff = new DebuggableFoo(new Foo()) * Example: Profiling * Benefits: * Easy to add functionality: Just wrap * Why decorators rather than inheritance (easy to add functionality, just inherit, override, and call parent methods) * Allow combinations (e.g., wrap1 wrap2 wrap3 (original)) w/o exponential blowup in number of classes. * Potential Dangers? (vs. inheritance) * Inheritance may be simpler * Requires us to implement many methods, not all of which are decorated * Can be solved by better language design * Proxy: Provide an interface to more complex objects * Virtual proxy: Delay the construction of "expensive" objects. * Remote proxy: Store the object elsewhere on the network. * Protection proxy: Check for permissions (or is this a Decoration?) * Why to use: When you may need a heavyweight object, but parts of its use can be delayed. The Last Main Structural pattern * The Flyweight ---- Project stuff: * The Model Group * Can not read species from files. On "to do list" * Has not had a chance to do much work yet * The GUI Group * Draw a board that says "Hi Jordan". DONE. * Made it more efficient. Instead of drawing a button for each cell, they draw colored rectangles. * Pays attention to clicks. * Do it with * Started working on it as a listener. * Goals for Thursday: * Talking to LocalWorld. * Convince the Model Group to build a species database. * Including a Conway species. * The Network Group * Still figuring out what they're doing. * Trouble transmitting Enums. Now works. But not committed to it working. * Lots of testing. * Now can import from model folder. * Goal for Thursday: * More tests. * Server needs to accept clients. (More reimplementation.) * Pass lists of instructions between servers and clients. * Needs from other groups * A decent collection of species. Cool idea: Class period to work on the project. THURSDAY! Obsevation: * LOC is becoming a harder and harder thing * Lots of time in intra-group communication * But Sam thinks it results in learning * Conficting desires * "I want to be a specialist" * "I want to be a generalist" * We've supported the generalists