CSC323 2010S, Class 14: tkinter: Simple GUIs in Python Overview: * TkInter: A simple GUI toolkit. * TkInter lab. Admin: * Don't forget to get your UML done for Tuesday's class. * For Tuesday, Read Section 1 of Extreme Programming Explained. * For Tuesday, Read BC 29. * Respond to both readings. Lab: * Problem the first: Create a window with a button that you can drag around the window. (That is, you click on the button and can then drag it anywhere.) Then, make your code work with multiple buttons. + Hint 1: You probably want to use the place layout manager. + Hint 2: Think about what event(s) to bind. + Hint 3: You may find it useful to print messages in the procedure that responds to messages. + Hint 4: You'll probably want to create a class to represent these draggable buttons. * Problem the second: Permit the user to move one of the buttons using the arrow keys (or the legendary hjkl keys). * Problem the third: Make a ten-by-ten grid of buttons and provide a method that, given a column, row, and color, sets the button at that position to the color. * Problem the last: Create a simple non-working GUI for iSimGrinLife. You should have the menu items that you expect to be in the GUI.