Software Development (CSC 321 2016S) : Outlines

Outline 14: Codes of Ethics

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Back to Outline 13 - Test-Driven Development. On to Outline 15 - Codes of Ethics, Revisited.


We consider ethical expectations of computerscientists.

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"I don't see anything morally wrong with accessing systems without permission - it's like trespassing in an abandoned house. Would ACM say Edward Snowden was malicious in his actions?"

"I really liked that the Code of ethics included the 8th principle, Self. It’s good to see that they are encouraging SW devs to continuously learn, change, grow, and become more than what they are currently. Also, the general moral imperatives of ACM’s code of ethics surprised me because it reminded me of the hippocratic oath. It’s really nice to see that they’re promoting people to be a nice person in general as well as an environmentally conscious person!"

"3.5 said to articulate and support policies that protect the dignity of users and others affected by a computing system, what happens if programmers are told otherwise by higher authority like the case of Apple and the government with privacy?"

"The ordering of some of the code of ethics principles was somewhat surprising at first. Before having read it, I would have assumed that the obligation to the client would be first, and the fact that the obligation to the profession comes before that of yourself seems somewhat odd to me."

"I was very positively surprised by how the Code of Ethics specifies developers' responsibilities when it comes to software whose malfunction is potentially catastrophic. It is very important that this is provided in the evolving field of software engineering."

Ethics and Agile