Software Development (CSC 321 2016S) : Outlines

Outline 11: Behavior-Driven Development

Held: ,

Back to Outline 10 - Modeling, Continued. On to Outline 12 - Pause for Breath.


We consider issues of behavior-driven design, using Cucumber as your BDD platform.

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Lessons from Modeling Exercise

What do you take as the key lessons from the modeling exercise?

Behavior-Driven Development

Cucumber Basics

A Cucumber Example

Let's walk through some scenarios and think about what work we might have to do to implement these Cucumber scenarios. Do they effect model, view, or controller (or all three)? (Suppose we had the repaired version of the original database, with no director.)

Feature: search for movies by director

  As a movie buff
  So that I can find movies with my favorite director
  I want to include and search on director information in movies I enter

Background: movies in database

  Given the following movies exist:
  | title        | rating | director     | release_date |
  | Star Wars    | PG     | George Lucas |   1977-05-25 |
  | Blade Runner | PG     | Ridley Scott |   1982-06-25 |
  | Alien        | R      |              |   1979-05-25 |
  | THX-1138     | R      | George Lucas |   1971-03-11 |

Scenario: add director to existing movie
  When I go to the edit page for "Alien"
  And  I fill in "Director" with "Ridley Scott"
  And  I press "Update Movie Info"
  Then the director of "Alien" should be "Ridley Scott"

Scenario: find movie with same director
  Given I am on the details page for "Star Wars"
  When  I follow "Find Movies With Same Director"
  Then  I should be on the Similar Movies page for "Star Wars"
  And   I should see "THX-1138"
  But   I should not see "Blade Runner"

Scenario: can't find similar movies if we don't know director (sad path)
  Given I am on the details page for "Alien"
  Then  I should not see "Ridley Scott"
  When  I follow "Find Movies With Same Director"
  Then  I should be on the home page
  And   I should see "'Alien' has no director info"

Cucumber in Practice