Software Development (CSC 321 2016S) : EBoards

CSC321.01 2016S, Class 03: Your First Rails Application




Upcoming Work

Good Things to Do




Question from classes 1 and 2

Why deploy to Heroku? Why not just use c9 for your work?

Um ... not sure.

It lets you identify issues that might occur when someone else tries to install your Web application.

c9, at least as we use it, is for simple development. It will not scale. It has very limited resources. Heroku is scalable, reliable, etc.

It's good practice to know how to deploy to a real cloud service.

"Everyone" deploys their Ruby apps to Heroku.

Learning to separate development from deployment.

Why didn't my app work on Heroku? It was complaning about SQLite or something.

Maybe something is messed up with SQLite.

There was a setup where we had to add a special gem for deployment. (Some Gems don't work on Heroku, particularly the SQL gem we use on cloud 9.) For c9, use SQLite. For Heroku, use PostgreSQL.

How many points will I lose by forgetting to do my journal on time?

Approximately 20 journal entries for 30% of your grade. Each is worth 1.5% of your grade. So do them late and only lose a little.

Activity: Building a toy app
