CSC 295.02 2013S Learning from Alumni

Class 02: Jeff Dickey-Chaisins '81

Back to Class 01: Getting Started. On to Class 03: Anna Carey '03.

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Held: Monday, 28 January 2013

Summary: Our first visitor is Jeff Dickey-Chaisins '81. Jeff provides consulting services to job boards and other companies in the online recruiting sector, but has had a long and varied career.

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Introducing Jeff Dickey-Chaisins '81

Jeff Dickey-Chaisins graduated from Grinnell in 1981 with a degree in English. He's had a host of jobs since then. For the past decade or more, he's lived in Grinnell, and is an active alum in the college.

I know Jeff, in part, because we have kids the same age who intersect in many classes and activities. We also volunteer for Friends of Drake Community Library together.

I remember Jeff telling me once that he was working on things with the User Friendly folks. (Unfortunately, none of you seem to know what User Friendly is, and that's a shame.) I've also known that Jeff has done many things vaguely related to computers. (I know much more know, but I don't want to tred on Jeff's talk.) Since he has experience talking in Doug Caulkins' learning from alumni course, I thought he'd be a good kickoff speaker for our course.

Jeff currently provides consulting services to job boards and other companies in the online recruiting sector, so I expect he'll have some useful advice on how best to present yourself.

Oh, Jeff is a Gold-Blue/Introvert.

An Outline of the Dickey-Chaisins Talk

Here's what Mr. Dickey_Chaisins sent to me

Who am I?

What do I do now?

What is my so-called career path? Freelance writer for magazines Industrial coatings salesperson Published 4 magazines, books, seminars for programmers Marketing director at job board Launched e-learning company Marketing director at job board

What about career failures?

Key skills from college:

Best career advice I’ve ever had:

Role of technology in career:

Advice going forward:

Back to Class 01: Getting Started. On to Class 03: Anna Carey '03.

Disclaimer: I usually create these pages on the fly, which means that I rarely proofread them and they may contain bad grammar and incorrect details. It also means that I tend to update them regularly (see the history for more details). Feel free to contact me with any suggestions for changes.

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