Tokens are one way to approach they many issues that life springs upon you throughout the semester. They provide a uniform way to handle the things that typically come up in a course, such as late submissions or unexcused absences.
You begin the course with 3 tokens, and you may
In general, you may not redo reading problems or lab writeups. It is important to your learning that you do those in a timely manner.
In most cases, we will charge tokens automatically by noting the time of your submission on Gradescope. You can check your current token status on Gradescope.
In general, you can earn additional tokens on top of your initial three in one of three ways:
Token-bearing events will be announced in class.
To earn tokens by attending events, attend the event and then submit a one-paragraph reflection within 72 hours of the event on Gradescope.
Note that a reflection is not the same as a description. I’m interested in hearing, for example, what you took away from the event or surprising things you observed.
See the information below on how to submit reflections.
At times, I may also offer tokens for other things, such as all of the class completing a survey.
You will submit your reflection to the Tokens assignment on gradescope, but this requires some special instructions. These instructions are forthcoming.
At the end of the semester, if you have used more tokens than you possess, those extra “negative tokens” will count against your final grade.
And so on for every 5 overspent tokens.
Remember that you are allowed to gather excess tokens during the semester to use at later times or allow your tokens to go negative if you replace them before the end of the semester. Tokens will only affect your final grade if, at the end of the semester, you have negative tokens.