Eboard 36: Chained hash tables

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Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • Questions
  • Lab


  • Does anyone not have a partner for MP10?
  • I apologize if I’m even more disorganized than normal. I spent three hours dealing with registration between last night and this morning and another hour dealing with academic honesty issues.
  • On the first topic: It appears that the Registrar held out an absurdly large number of seats in CS courses. So fingers crossed on positive changes moving ahead.
  • On the second topic: I use mastery grading for a lot of reasons. One is to reduce the incentive to cheat; the penalty for getting something wrong is supposed to be low, since you can try again. If you feel yourself inclined to do something questionable, please talk to me about your stress levels and how we can manage them.
  • Let’s try to get through administrative stuff quickly so that there’s more time for lab.

Upcoming work


How many tokens do I have?

10,000 each, plus or minus, as long as at least 63% of the class turned in the mentor evaluation.


  • Tuesday, 2024-04-30, noon, Some PDR. CS Table.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-30, 8:00pm, Science 3819. Mentor Session. Make Elene and Sam happy. Show up to mentor sessions! (Sam and Elene are currently very sad.)


  • Dance Ensemble. Tonight. Tomorrow night. I think.
  • Friday, 2024-04-26, 4:00–5:00pm, HSSC N1170. Middle of Everywhere (St. Lucia).
  • Friday, 2024-04-26, 4:30–6:00pm, HSSC A2231 (Auditorium). Conversation with Humanity. Climate Change.
  • Saturday, 2024-04-27, Harris. ISO Cultural Event.


  • Saturday, 2024-04-27, 12:00–4:00pm, Kington Plaza. Spring Fest. There might be catered food. Will there be Slinkies?



  • Friday, 2024-04-26, 8:30–11:00pm, Harris Concert Hall. Drag.
  • Saturday, 2024-04-27, 9:00–11:30pm, Gardner. Don’t destroy the bathroom tiles again. Mary B. James.
  • Sunday, 2024-04-28, 7:00pm HSSC S1325. Learn about Hack-a-thons.

Other good things to do (no tokens)



Will you post all the LAs for next Friday?



Do we have to implement hash tables in JSONHash?

You can either make a separate MyAwesomeHashTable class or just implement it directly.


What does it mean to create a library?

Create a class or set of classes that someone else can use in their larger program.

What does it mean to use a library?

Use a class or classes provided to you as part of the Java libraries.

Preferably one in which you had to understand the documentation.

Can I use the same piece of code for multiple LAs?


Hash tables



Detour: Please parse the eleven-buffalo sentence (or write a similar one with the same framework).

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Grinnell students College professors teach amuse Macalester students Carleton students bully.