Eboard 34: Hash tables

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Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • Questions
  • A bit about hash tables
  • Lab


  • Please fill in the mentor/tutor evaluation. (you are currently at slightly under 50%; you want tokens/you need tokens)
  • Congratulations to those of you who were elected to the SEPC. Sympathies to those of you who were not. (Or is it vice versa? There’s a lot of work to do next year.)
  • You will continue with today’s lab partner on Wednesday (with a few exceptions).

Upcoming work



  • Tuesday, 2024-04-23, noon, Some PDR. CS Table.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-23, 8:00pm, Science 3819. Mentor Session. Make Elene and Sam happy. Show up to mentor sessions!
  • Thursday, 2024-04-25, 11am, JRC 101. Scholars’ Convocation: Jonathan Rosa on Languages & Identities Beyond Borders.


  • Wednesday, 2024-04-24, 7:30–8:30pm, Bucksbaum. Cornelia Di Gioia Presentation with GSO.
  • Thursday, 2024-04-25, 7:00–8:00, Grinnell Art Museum. Recital by Eric Mcintyre of new composition for gourd and visuals.
  • Friday, 2024-04-26, 4:00–5:00pm, HSSC N1170. Middle of Everywhere.
  • Friday, 2024-04-26, 4:30–6:00pm, HSSC A2231 (Auditorium). Conversation with Humanity. Climate Change.
  • Saturday, 2024-04-27, Harris. ISO Cultural Event. Please don’t destroy the bathroom ceilings.




  • Monday, 2024-04-24, 2:00–3:00pm, JRC Lobby. Jelly Belly Buffett. Any relation to Warren?
  • Monday, 2024-04-24, 7:00–10:00pm, HSSC A1231 (Kernel). SPARC Pitch.
  • Wednesday, 2024-04-24, 4:00–5:00pm, JCC Lower-Level Conference Room. Leveraging LinkedIn.

Other good things to do (no tokens)



Could there be new LAs this week?


Can I have a second redo on MP1 and MP2?

Sure. During lab. Remind me if I forget.


Why do we need both BitTreeNodes and BitTreeLeafs?

Sometimes having separate classes simplifies things. Your interior nodes (BitTreeInteriorNode) will need to store links to the subtrees below them. Your leaves (BitTreeLeaf) will store only the value.

Sam might do something like the following.

interface BitTreeNode {
} // BitTreeNode

class BitTreeInteriorNode implements BitTreeNode {
  BitTreeNode childZero;
  BitTreeNode childOne;
} // BitTreeInteriorNode

class BitTreeLeaf implements BitTreeNode {
  String value;
} // BitTreeLeaf

We don’t store references in the objects that don’t need references, we don’t store values in the objects that don’t need values.

We have an “easy” way to determine if we’ve reached a leaf. node instanceof BitTreeLeaf.

Can we do an example on the board?


For each pair in the spec, we build a path using the first element of the pair and then put the second element of the pair at the leaf.

Do we care about the “visual aspect” (tactile arrangement) of bits in Braille?

Only in that we might want to check our answers, particularly our Unicode answers.

Will our trees be complete?

No. Not in general.

Will we need to implement Iterator objects?


Will we need to iterate the tree anyway?

Yes, when you write dump.

Is there an order in which you want us to dump the tree?

No. I’d find it easiest to do so recursively. If you want to use a Queue or a Stack that’s fine with me.

Can you write me a test suite?

Maybe. Stay tuned.

Binary Search Trees


What happens if you say a method throws a RunTimeException?

I don’t know. We’ll look at it offline.

Hash table overview

Key ideas

TPS: What are five key ideas about hash tables?

  • Hash tables are one of the main implementations of the Dictionary (or Map) ADT.
  • To achieve efficiency, we use arrays.
  • Since keys are rarely integers, we use a “hash function” to convert each key into an integer, and then mod by the size of the hash table to figure out where to put the key/value pair.
    • Given the same key, the hash function should always give the same integer.
    • Given different keys, the hash function should try to give different integers.
    • Ideally, the hash function takes “nearby” keys and gives them very different hash values.
  • Since there are many more potential keys than cells in our array (and maybe even more keys than integers), we may encounter conflicts. We’ll need to handle those.
    • There are two basic approaches to handline conflicts: Probing and chaining.
    • In probing, you keep looking elsewhere in the table using some policy as to where to look next.
    • In chaining, you keep a list in each cell in the array, rather than a single key/value pair.
  • When our table gets too full, we need to expand the array.
  • Well designed hash tables are “amortized expected O(1)” for set, get, and hasKey.
    • “expected” - when randomness works the way we expect
    • “amortized” - sometimes we will do a really expensive operation (e.g., when call set and decide to expand the table), but if average it out (“amortize”) it over all the different operations it’s still constant time.
      • E.g., One call to set may take O(n) time. But if we do O(n) calls to set, and the rest of them are O(1), all of them are “amortized” O(1).


TPS:Sometimes having separate classes simplifies things. Your interior nodes will need to store links to the subtrees below them. Your leaves will store only the value. How should we compute a hash value?

  • A “hack” answer: In Java, you can call the hashCode method for most of the built-in types.
  • For really complex types, we use the memory address, and nothing is equal to anything that’s not in the same memory location.
  • For compound types:
    • PM suggests: Take the hash code of each field, multiply by a prime, mod by maxint (more or less), and then add them together. (Alternatively: Take a prime to the hash code power.)
  • For primitive types:
    • For letters: Use the ASCII value
    • For integers: Use the integer
    • For reals: (remove the decimal point or turn the bits into the corresonding integer)


  • The same object should always have the same hash value.
  • Different objects should have different hash values.

What does MDDigest do?

It computes a different kind of hash value for byte strings. The same byte string should always give you the same value. Nearby byte strings should give different vales.

Hash exercise

Compute your “hash code” by adding up the letters in your first name.

A:1     B:2     C:3     D:4     E:5     F:6     G:7     H:8     I:9
J:10    K:11    L:12    M:13    N:14    O:15    P:16    Q:17    R:18
S:19    T:20    U:21    V:22    W:23    X:24    Y:25    Z:26

Samuel = 19 + 1 + 13 + 21 + 5 + 12 = 71

Q: Is this a good hash function?

A: It feels like we’ll get a lot of conflicts. (Of course, there are more strings than integers, so we’re guaranteed conflicts.)

A: We’re supposed to distribute keys to different integers. This doesn’t seem to do that.

A: It’s not very “random” looking. Nearby words will have similar values.

We learned that …

  • The probe we chose can be really bad. Don’t use 10 for a table of 60 elements; it means you won’t look everywhere.
  • Particlarly with a bad hash function, you need a lot of empty space in the array. (Usually #cells = 2x#pairs is okay.)
  • UM: You have to use math to do hash tables.
  • We want good hash functions.
  • A bad hash function might group values.
  • Probing sucks. Use chaining.

We wanted to decide

  • What happens when we try to add a name and we have a probe cycle?
    • We should expand the table.
    • We should choose a probing number that is relatively prime to the size of the table. Two numbers are relatively prime if gcd(n,m) = 1. We wouldn’t want to use 25 for our size 60 table, even though 60 is not evenly divisible by 25.
    • Or we can choose a probing “function”. E.g., try 1, then 2 from there, then 3 from there, then 5 from there, then 7 from there, ..

What happens when we decide to remove something from a probed hash table?

  • Either too much rearranging or we have to insert a dummy vale.
  • Osera used something weird.

What happens when we decide to expand our probed hash table?

  • Can I just add ten cells? Maybe. But we generally double the size each time. (Careful analysis helps explain why.)
  • Can I just double the size? No. I have to rehash everything. O(n), where n is the number of things in the hash table.

What happens when we decide to remove something from a chained hash table?

  • Remove from a linked list is (relatively) fast for short linked lists.

What happens when we decide to expand our chained hash table?

  • We still have to rehash everything.


We will continue this lab on Wednesday.