Eboard 29: Sorting competition

You are being recorded and transcribed.

Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • Rules for the sorting competition
  • Sorting competition


  • It’s “April Absurdity” (following “March” Madness)
  • Friday’s class will be a consideration of ethics. Make sure to do the reading in advance.
  • Our graders ask that you
    • Ensure that all files are uploaded to Gradescope.
    • Include a link to your GitHub repo in your README.md file.
    • Include that README.md file.
  • We’ll look at some of the submissions for MP6

About MP8

  • Still under development.
  • Intended to be straightforward.

Key ideas

  • Extended DLLs to add a dummy node and circular linking. DO NOT DELETE THE DUMMY NODE!
  • Reflect on how that made the code easier/harder.

Implement “fail fast” iterators

  • Issue: If we have multiple “live” iterators on the same list, and one changes the list, the others are now in a somewhat “unknown” state.
  • At present, we only notice when something goes wrong.
  • We should make sure that an iterator breaks immediately if any other iterator has changed the list (when any of the methods are called). Throw an “InvalidStateException”.
  • The iterator that changed the list does NOT break.
  • How can one iterator tell when another iterator changed the list?
    • Idea: Have a shared field that keeps track of when the list was last changed. If an iterator is older than that, it dies.
    • Should this be a static field?
public class SimpleCDLL<T> implements SimpleList<T> {
  // +--------+------------------------------------------------------
  // | Fields |
  // +--------+

  Node2<T> dummy;
  int numChanges = 0;


  public ListIterator<T> listIterator() {
    return new ListIterator<T>() {
      // +--------+------------------------------------------------------
      // | Fields |
      // +--------+

      Node2<T> prev;
      Node2<T> next;
      int numChanges = SimpleCDLL.this.numChanges;

      // +---------+-----------------------------------------------------
      // | Methods |
      // +---------+

      public T add(T val) {
        if (this.numChanges != SimpleCDLL.this.numChanges) {
          throw new InvalidStateException("Iowa");
        ; ...

      public T next() {
      } // next()
    }; // new ListIterator<T>()
} // class SimpleCDLL


  • We don’t want the List numChanges to be static because it should be independent in each list. (Changes to one list don’t affect the other.)
  • We will probably need a field in the anonymous inner iterator class to keep track of the number of changes at the time they were created and initialize it.

Upcoming work



  • Thursday, 2024-04-11, 4pm, HSSC 1231 (the Kernel). CS Poster Session.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-16, noon, Some PDR. CS Table.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-16, 7:00pm, Science 3819. Mentor Session.


  • Today, 2024-04-10, 7:00-9:00pm, Younker Lounge. Eid Celebration. Food! Sponsored by PSO.
  • Thursday, 2024-04-11, 4:15-5:30pm, HSSC S1325 Writers@Grinnell.
  • Thursday, 2024-04-11, 8:00-9:30pm, JRC 101 Writers@Grinnell.
  • Friday, 2024-04-12, 4:00-5:00pm, HSSC N1170 Middle of Everywhere.
  • Saturday, 2024-04-13, 7:00–??:??, Main Quad (@nepali_grinnellians on instagram for more info) Celebration of Nepali New Year. Henna, Food, Photo booth.
  • Saturday, 2024-04-13, 1:00–5:00, Cleveland Beach. Holi. Wear white clothes that you want to become more colorful. Food. Dye (colors). Dyed cake. Water pistols.
  • Saturday, 2024-04-13, 5:00–8:00, JRC 101. Desert with VSA.



  • Friday, 2024-04-12, 3:00–5:00pm, JRC Courtyard Get Nostalgic.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-16, noon-1pm, BRAC P103. HIIT and Strength Fitness Class.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-16, 12:15–12:50, Bucksbaum 131. Yoga in the Museum.
  • Tuesday, 2024-04-16, 4pm, BRAC P103 (Multipurpose Dance Studio): Yoga.


Other good things to do (no tokens)








Preparation for the sorting competition

The process

  • We pair off people.
  • We ask them (their code) to sort N arrays.
    • The size is big enough that the slowest takes more than 200 milliseconds.
    • The arrays can be already sorted, reverse sorted, completely randomized, slightly randomized from sorted, or slightly randomized from reverse sorted.
  • In the first phase, each person describes their algorithm, how they wrote it, and what they learned.
  • The top four or so each earn a token.

What are N and the probabilities?

  • We’ll talk about N and the probabilities.
  • Please read the code in examples/sorting/SortTools.java
    • 5 minutes of reading
    • 3 minutes of pairing
    • 5 minutes of discussin



We don’t quite have 32 competitors (and certainly not 68), so we’ll do the best we can.

No, it doesn’t get logged here.

We’re down to the elite eight.