Eboard 24: Sorting

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Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • Check in on Wednesday’s class
  • Some notes on sorting
  • Testing sorting algorithms
  • Loop invariants


  • Registration preview

Upcoming work

  • Friday, 2024-03-15, 11pm, Third set of LAs.
    • Mostly posted.
    • Let me know if any look wrong.
    • Let me know if you’d like to see any others posted.
    • Grading is still on my priority queue, near the front.




  • Friday at 4pm in the Global Living Room. Middle of Everywhere.
    • I don’t know whether or not that’s happening.




Other good things to do (no tokens)

Spring Break PSA

  • You are awesome. Please take care of yourselves.
  • And don’t get me fired for sharing information with you.

Check in on Wednesday

What did you learn?

  • Merge sort.
  • Merge algorithm: Merge two sorted lists (or subarrays)
  • Merge sort - If the list has more than one element, divide the unsorted list in half, sort the two halves, merge them together.
  • Can I merge in place (e.g., [1 ,4, 6, 9, 2, 3, 5, 8])?
    • Nope. I need to make a helper array to copy things into.
    • This is a disadvantage of merge sort: It requires O(n) extra space.
  • Do I have to use merge sort when I sort each subarray?
    • Nope.
  • How do you prove it correct?
    • Experimentally, we run tests
    • We could do a proof. With invariants.
  • Is merge sort stable?
    • Stable: If there are two “equal” elements, they maintain their order. (That may have been in the reading.)
    • No: It depends a bit on how you merge.
    • Can we decide on an approach that maintains stability? Yes! When we merge, always take the element from the left array first.

Some notes on sorting

  • Stability
  • We all sort all the time.
    • MSort: Divide the cards into two piles: Sorted and Unprocessed. For each card in unprocessed, put it into the right place in sorted.
    • ASort: Similar, with a probabilistic (ML-based) approach for finding the right location.
    • Insertion sort
  • Analysis of insertion sort (incorrect)
    • We have to insert n cards from unprocessed list into the sorted list.
    • Finding the right location takes O(logn) time because we can use binary search.
    • Inserting it into that position is constant time.
    • This algorithm is O(nlogn).
  • Why is this incorrect? (Hint: It may be O(nlogn) in the physical world, but not in the computer world.)
    • If the data are stored in an array, it will take O(n) to insert, not O(1) because you have to shift stuff over to make room.
    • If the data are stored in a link list, it only takes O(1) to insert once you’ve found the spot, but be can’t use binary search on lists, since binary search requires quick access based on index.
  • Analysis: O(n^2) for arrays because O(n) to insert.
  • Analysis: O(n^2) for lists because O(n) to find.
  • Reminder: Once you’ve correctly analyzed an algorithm, you have two questions to ask:
    • Can I do better?
    • If not: Can I prove that I can’t do better?
  • Detour: For the “can I prove”, Travelling Salescritter Problem
    • Given a set of n cities, find the shortest path connecting them all.
    • Easy solution: Make a list of all the paths, take the shortest.
    • Unfortunately, there are O(n!) paths, which grows way too quickly.
  • In 301, you’ll get to consider whether a sorting algorithm can be faster than O(nlogn). (Preview: Not for a compare/swap algorithm.)
  • In 341, you’ll get to explore questions like TSP.
  • For insertion sort’s “can I do better”
    • Design a different algorithm
    • Design a new data structure, one that has both quick insertion and quick searching.
  • A better data structure: The binary search tree
    • A binary tree is a structure in which you have a node (with a value), left subtree, and right subtree.
    • Usually the left subtree has values less than the node and the right subtree has values greater than the node.
    • Both left and right subtrees have the same property.
  • If the tree is mostly balanced (that is, we have left and right subchildren at most levels; the two subtrees are about the same size ), the number of levels is O(logn).
  • Search is O(logn)
  • Insert is O(logn)
  • Maintaining the property is hard.
  • We will return to this issue in a few weeks.

Testing sorting algorithms

You’ve written a sorting algorithm. Proofs are hard. You want tests. What kind of “write lots of tests” algorithm would you write?

  • Systematically
  • Random


  • Use for loops to build arrays of different sizes
  • For each size array


  • Use a for loop to build arrays of different sizes
  • Sort each
  • And make sure it’s in order AND a permutation of the original

Sam’s Sorting algorithm (which gives you an array in order)

``` public static T samSort(T[] values, Comparator order) { for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = values[0]; } } // samSort ``

More ideas

  • Start with a sorted array.
  • Permute it (or permute a copy) [shuffle; rearrange]
  • Sort the permutation
  • Compare the two arrays.

Even more

  • Start with a sorted array.
  • Sort it.
  • See if it’s the same. (Some non-stable sorting algorithms will rearrange equal elements, so for this, we want to ensure that equal elements are treated as equal.)


Loop invariants