Eboard 16: Array-based linear structures

You are probably being recorded, perhaps even transcribed.

Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • Questions
  • Lab


  • The second set of LAs should be coming soon.
  • I’ve set Tuesday night as a target for returning the first set of LAs.
  • I’m hoping that today can be mostly a lab day.

Upcoming work



  • Tuesday, 2024-02-27, noon–1:00pm, Some PDR. _CS Table: ???.
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-27, 8:00–9:00pm, Science 3821. CSC-207 Mentor Session.
  • Thursday, 2024-02-29, 11:00am, Science JRC 101. PM Osera Convocation.




  • Tuesday, 2024-02-27, noon-1pm, BRAC P103. HIIT and Strength Fitness Class.
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-27, 12:15–12:50, Bucksbaum 131. Yoga in the Museum. (I think)
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-27, 4pm, BRAC P103 (Multipurpose Dance Studio): Yoga.


Other good things to do (no tokens)



When will MP1 be returned?

I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s available.

What’s the timeline?

By the end of the semester. (Before spring break.)


After removing more than once, should we only have one null : null pair at end or multiple?

I wouldn’t put any null/null pairs in your array. I would just have nulls in the empty cells.

There are three primary approaches to remove.

  • Put a null in the array where the key/value pair is. This approach complicates things.
  • Shift the array left when we hit the key/value pair with the removed key. This approach is expensive.
  • Put the last thing in the array in the newly opened slot, shoving a null at the end. _Sam finds that this works best, but you can use any of them.

If you’re using the last approach, you always need something in each cell of the array. I’d use null for “nothing here”.

If we remove n times (and don’t shrink the array), there will be at least n nulls at the end of the array.

Its always safest to put a null in “empty” cells just so we don’t have extra references floating around.

Drawing pictures often helps us figure this out.

Do we add the element at the end of the stuff with values or before the nulls?

Yes. Both. In the recommended organization you have all the cells with pairs at the left followed by all the cells with nulls.

On the page of the assignment and on the eBoard we have different directions to the latter case. The mini project page says to do no nothing while the eBoard says to throw an exception. What should we do?

Translation: What do we do when we call remove and its not in the array?

Follow the instructions on the assignment. (Do nothing.)

Is it really the case that == does a crappy job when comparing int values to Integer values?

Apparently so.

What should we do if the user calls set with an extant key?

The assignment says “Set the value associated with a given key. If there is already another value associated with the given key, this new value replaces that value.” (That construction is not parallel. Sorry.)

What should our workflow be for adding our tests?

Make sure that the code doesn’t crash.

Type git pull.

Make sure that the code doesn’t crash.

Type git add src/AssociativeArrayTests.java.

Type git commit -m "Add my tests."

Type git push.

Cross your fingers and toes.

What if someone else’s tests are breaking the repo?

Option 1: Let Sam know so that he can fix them.

Option 2: Let that person know so that they can fix them.

Option 3: Fix them yourself.

“Self gov the problem.”

What happens in the situation in which A pushes, B and C pull, and then B pushes, then C pushes without pulling B’s changes?

Ideally, C will get an error message.

No promises.

When you pull, what option should you choose?

I tend to choose the first one, which it says is the default.


When are you grading them?

Tomorrow. I hope.

Linear structures

Why can’t I run the lab on my laptop?

We’ll look at that.


Other topics


I failed to meet the specifications. Why did I get an I?

I think you answered your own question.

But I won’t charge a token for this redo.

It is important for you to name things correctly.

When will the redo be due?

Probably a week from Sunday.


Yay! Drawing diagrams is helpful!

Yay! Using the debugger is helpful!

Yay! Sam isn’t requiring us to submit this lab.