Eboard 11: Generics

You are probably being recorded, perhaps even transcribed.

Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • A design exercise
  • Questions
  • Lab


  • Happy Valentine’s Day (or happy Ash Wednesday). I brought you stickers.
  • Sam broke his hearing aids and hears even less well than normal.
  • Please DM me your GitHub username.

Upcoming work



  • Thursday, 2024-02-15, 11:00–noon, JRC 101. Scholars’ Convocation: Gaile Pohlhaus on “An Epistemology of the Oppressed: Resisting and Flourishing under Epistemic Oppression”.
    • You can also talk to the speaker.
  • Thursday, 2024-02-15, 4:00pm, Science 3821. CS Extras: PM Osera.
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-20, noon–1:00pm, Some PDR. _CS Table: ???.
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-20, 8:00–9:00pm, Science 3821. CSC-207 Mentor Session.


  • Thursday, 2024-02-15, 7:00–9:00pm, Sebring-Lewis. Jazz Concert w/Carol Welsman.
  • Friday, 2024-02-16, 4:00–5:00pm, HSSC N1170 (Global Living Room). Middle of Everywhere.
  • Sunday, 2024-02-18, 7:00–9:00pm, Harris Cinema. The Moth Storytelling Slam.


  • Friday through Sunday, 2024-02-16 through 2024-02-18. Osgood Pool. Midwest Swimming and Diving Conference Championships.
    • 30 minutes counts.
    • Up to two separate sessions.
  • Saturday, 2024-02-17, 2:00–5:00pm, Field House. Women’s Tennis vs. Ottwawa.


  • Tuesday, 2024-02-20, noon-1pm, BRAC P103. HIIT and Strength Fitness Class.
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-20, 12:15–12:50, Bucksbaum 131. Yoga in the Museum. (I think)
  • Tuesday, 2024-02-20, 4pm, BRAC P103 (Multipurpose Dance Studio): Yoga.


Good things to do (no tokens)

  • Saturday, 2024-02-17, 1:00–3:00pm, Darby. Men’s Basketball vs. Monmouth.
  • Saturday, 2024-02-17, 3:00–5:00pm, Darby. Women’s Basketball vs. Monmouth.

A design exercise


  • P: Philosophy (the underlying principle)
  • U: Use Cases (why we have this thing / what situations would we use it)
  • M: Methods (what operations ground the structure)


  • L: Layout (do we use a pointer structure or an array/chunk ‘o memory)
  • I: Given that layout, how do we implement the methods
  • A: Analysis (how fast are these methods likely to be in terms of some size or sizes)

A data structure we know: The array

  • Philosophy: A structure that lets us map integers in the range [0 .. n) to values of a particular type.
  • Use cases: Implementing other data types. Mapping student IDs to student records. Storing the pixels in an image.

A similar data structure: The Associative Array

  • Philosophy: A structure that lets us map values of one type (keys) to values in another type (values).
    • Also called “Map”, “Table”, “FunctionWithAVeryLimitedDomain”, …
  • Use cases
    • Store data that we would not normally be indexed.
    • Implementating a data type: The initial type is the names of the “fields”, the result type is the contents. The field names in an object are keys, the contents of those fields are values.
    • Convert student names to lists of grades (or tables of grades). (Whoo! Recursion!)
    • Associate first names with last names (crossing our fingers that we have no duplicate last names).
      • faculty.set("Rebelsky", "Samuel")
      • faculty.set("Weinman", "Jerod")
      • faculty.set("Rebelsky", "Fred")
  • Methods
 * Things that let us associate values of type V with values of type K,
 * where we look them up with the K values.
public class AssociativeArray<K,V> {
    * Get the value associated with a key.
    * @exception KeyNotFoundException
    *   When the key is not in the AA.
   public V get(K key) throws KeyNotFoundException {
     return null;       // STUB
   } // get(K)

    * Associate a value with a key.
    * @exception OutOfRoomException
    *   If there is not space to add another value.
    * @exception NullKeyException
    *   If there is not space to add another value.
   public void set(K key, V value) throw OutOfRoomException, NullKeyException {
     // STUB
   } // set(K,V)

    * Remove a key/value pair.
    * @exception KeyNotFoundException
    *   If the key is null or not already in the associative array.
   public void remove(K key) throws KeyNotFoundException {
     // STUB
   } // remove(K)

   public boolean containsKey(K key) {
     return false;
   } // containsKey(K)

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return false;       // STUB

  public boolean isFull() {
    return false;       // STUB
  } isFull()

  public int size() {
    return 0;           // STUB

  // +-------------------------+-------------------------------------
  // | Standard object methods |
  // +-------------------------+

   * Convert to a string (e.g., for printing).
  public String toString() {
    return "{ }";       // STUB
  } // toString()

   * Compare for equality.
  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    return false;       // STUB
  } // equals(Object)

} // class AssociativeArray

Some design questions

  • Should we cap the number of values we can store?
    • Decision: We should permit it.
  • Does set require that the key already be in the association list?
    • Yes: We need a procedure to add a key.
    • No: Followup: Can you replace something already set using set or do we need a separate replace operator?
    • Decision: set does everything. Adds, replaces, mixes,


Layout: Store them in an expandable array of key/value pairs.

  // +--------+------------------------------------------------------
  // | Fields |
  // +--------+

   * All of the k/v pairs.  Added to the end of the array as we go.
   * The array magically expands when needed.
  KVPair<K,V> pairs[] = ...;

   * How many values are stored.
  int size;

Implementation: How would you implement get and set?

  public V get(K key) throws KeyNotFoundException {
  } // get(K)

  public void set(K key, V value) throws NullKeyException {
  } // set(K, V)

Get (Conceptually)

  • Search through all of the K/V pairs in the array, stopping when the key of the pair matches the sought key or when we get to the end.
    • In the former case, return the corresponding value
    • In the latter case, throw a KeyNotFoundException

Set (Conceptually)

  • Search through all the K/V pairs in the array, stopping when we find a matching key or when we run out of pairs.
    • In the former case, set the value
    • In the latter case, append to the end of the array (expanding the array if necessary) this.pairs[this.size++] = new KVPair<K,V>(key,value);

Remove (Conceptually)

  • Note: Drawing pictures might help
| * | * | * | / | / |
      |   v
      | +-------------+
      | | Last: Smith |
      | | First: Jane |
      | +-------------+

Strategy one:

  • Search through all the key/value pairs until we find the pair or run out of pairs.
    • In the former case, shift everything left by one until we hit the end. Then put a null at the end.
    • In the latter case, throw an exception
  • Running time depends on the number of values stored in the associative array.

Strategy two:

  • Build a new array, copying each thing that doesn’t have a matching key over.
  • If the size of the new array is the same as the old array, throw an exception.
  • Running time depends on the number of values stored in the associative array.

Strategy three:

  • Like strategy one, except that you just put a null there rather than shifting.
  • May affect how we write get or set. E.g., size has a different meaning; may require a separate last-element.
  • Or the semantics of remove could be “doesn’t necessarily change the size”. People who believe this write programs that run out of memory.
  • May make toString a bit harder.
  • Running time is constant.

Strategy four:

  • Like strategy one, but only shove elements once in a while. (E.g., flip a coin to decide whether or not to move.)
  • Running time is confusing.

Strategy five:

  • Like strategy three, but we move the last element into the place we just freed. (We do have to clear out the last element.)
  • Running time is constant.

Question: What is an ADT? I didn’t quite understand?

  • An ADT is the PUM part of a structure. It’s a way of thinking about how we organize a collection of data.
    • It’s abstract in that the implementatoin is not part of our initiail analyis.





What is a “functional interface” (from the java documentation for Function)?

One in which there is only one non-default method, which means that we can implement it with a lambda expression.

What is the difference between andThen and compose? (from Java documentation for Function)

Both compose functions. andThen builds a new function that applies the parameter function after the current function while compose builds a new function that applies the parameter before the current function.

For example, if dub is a function that doubles its parameter and inc is a function that adds one, dub.andThen(inc).apply(5) would double 5, giving 10, and then add 1, giving 111.

In contrast, dub.compose(inc).apply(5) would increment 5 first, giving 6, and then double it, giving 12.
