Eboard 04: Our lab tools (VSCode and Git/GitHub)

You are probably being recorded, perhaps even transcribed.

Approximate overview

  • Administrivia
  • Questions
  • Lab


  • I’ll take attendance today as I work on learning your names.
  • Since today is a “set up the lab equipment” day, it’s okay if you spread out to all the computers or use your laptops to connect to MathLAN. (It’s only okay for today.)
  • I’ve set up a simple style handout that covers most of the issues I’ve observed.

Upcoming work


Now available on Gradescope.


  • Tuesday, 2024-01-30, noon, JRC 224A: CS Table.
  • Thursday, 2024-02-01, 11am, HSSC 2231 (Auditorium), Scholars’ Convocation, Being a Pandemic Citizen.
  • Thursday, 2024-02-01, 4:15pm, Science 3821, CS Extras: Summer research



  • Tennis, Sunday, 9 and 4pm, Field house, Matches against Augustana


  • Today, 2024-01-29, 4pm, HSSC Atrium: Therapy Dogs.
  • Tuesday, 2024-01-30, noon, BRAC P103 (Multipurpose Dance Studio): HIIT & Strength Fitness Class
  • Tuesday, 2024-01-30, 4pm, BRAC P103 (Multipurpose Dance Studio): Yoga


  • Tuesday, 2024-01-30, 4pm, HSSC S2377: SPARK Information Session.
  • Friday, 2024-02-02, 8pm, Harris Concert Hall: Weekend Murder Mystery.



What should I enter as the academic honesty boilerplate on labs?

I just want you to cite those who gave you help.

When will your office hours be available?



What should the README.md file look like?

# Project Name 

Your name
The date

A short description. 

Instructions for running the program.


Why can’t I push to my GitHub repo?

I’m not sure, but I can look at it with you.

Note that it’s important that you’ve set up your keypairs and that you use the git@github.com URL in setting up the repo.

You can edit .git/config to change the repo you use.


One of you will do this. The other of you will have to do so on your own. For today (and today only), it’s okay to spread out to more computers or to use your laptop.


Do we do the same setup on our own computers?

No. You’ll need to configure VSCode slightly differently. In particular, the location of Java may be different.

You may also need to copy your ssh key from MathLAN.