Now that you know the basics of object-oriented programming, there are particular characteristics you should look for in any object-oriented language, including ways to define classes and objects, some protection mechanisms, and support for inheritance and polymorphism. Different languages naturally take different approaches to these issues, both in the syntax that describes how one writes programs and in the underlying semantics of how objects and classes relate.
There are also some things you may not have thought about, such as the way in which one invokes a “program” in the particular language. In some languages one simply adds new classes and objects to an existing “world”, often through a graphical user interface. Other languages require you to type commands in a textual user interface. Still others can “automatically” determine which objects to start (e.g., because an object is embedded in a Web page).
Classes, object creation, inheritance, subtype polymorphism, parametric polymorphism, and program instantiation are more subjects than we can cover in a short reading. Hence, in this reading we will focus on three basic issues in Java:
Java provides a variety of mechanisms for indicating which objects provide the main components of your program. The simplest, and the one we will use for most of this course, is what we typically call a “Main Class”. Such a class is a class that typically contains only one method, called main
. The main
method contains a series of instructions to create objects and to tell those objects to do things.
That theory is fairly simple. The syntax, however, is daunting to many novice programmers. Here is a sketch of a typical Main class.
public class NAME_OF_CLASS {
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
} // main(String[])
} // class NameOfClass
It is the programmer’s responsibility to choose an appropriate name for the class and the instructions for the task at hand. Tradition suggests that the name of a class begin with an upper-case letter and use mixed case. I expect that you will follow that convention.
What else is in this sketch? The outer braces enclose the contents of this class, in this case, just the main method. You will see braces enclosing other things in future readings. The inner braces enclose the instructions for the main
You’ll notice two slashes and a note after the end-braces. Text that begins with two slashes is a comment for the programmer or reader. My experience suggests that you should always comment your end braces to indicate what you’re ending. Such comments help you make sure that your code is structured appropriately and helps the reader more quickly parse your code. You may (and should) also insert comments to explain key parts of your code.
You can probably guess what purpose the words that preface NameOfClass serve. The public
indicates that the class can be used by any program or user (or at least any program or user that has system permission to read the file containing the class). The class
indicates that we’re defining a class.
The slew of stuff surrounding main
is perhaps more confusing. If you are willing to live with “just write what you see above”, you need not learn the details right now. Feel free to skip ahead to the next section. However, if you’d like a quick overview, read on.
You might be able to guess that the public
means that the method
named main
is generally accessible (again, provided the person
or program attempting to access it has system permission to access
the associated file).
The static
indicates that the method can run without having an associated object created. You are probably used to running methods (procedures) without having associated objects. However, in Java, one typically associates a method call with a particular object that is to execute the method call. Hence, we must indicate that main
is an exception to the rule.
In Java, all methods potentially return values. Programmers therefore have a responsibility to indicate what kind of value the methods return. (The designers of Java have found that programs behave more reliably if the compiler can tell the types of values and check to see that the programmer is using them consistently.) We don’t want to return any particular value from this method (we just want it to run), so we give it return type void
The String[] args
in parentheses provides the one parameter to the main
method, all the strings typed on the command line. This parameter is an artifact of Java’s designers decision to emulate some key aspects of the C programming language. We will return to it after we learn more about arrays.
Finally, the throws Exception
is our admission that our method can fail. Java expects programmers to indicate when and how their methods can fail. As you become a more careful and responsible programmer and can guarantee that your methods will not fail, you can potentially remove this line.
What kinds of things belong in the body of main
(and in any other methods you decide to write)? A few basic things. First, you often include declarations of names for objects. The declaration of a name provides the type of object the name will refer to and the text of the name. The general form is
For example, I might say that pen
will name objects in class
with pen;
Similarly, I might say that i
is an integer (in Java-ese, an int
) with
int i;
Note that the semicolon at the end of the declaration is necessary. You will receive strange errors if you fail to include that semicolon.
Once you have declared the name for a kind of value, you can make that name refer to a particular value using the assignment operator (an equals sign).
In many cases, particularly at the beginning of the main
method, the expression at the right-hand side of the assignment creates a new object. The form of an expression that creates a new object is most typically
What class names can you use? You can use any class that you’ve defined (none, yet), any class that someone has provided for you or that you’ve downloaded, or any class that comes as part of a standard Java installation.
What parameters do you give when you create a new object? It depends on the kind of object you’re creating. You will need to check the documentation for the object to determine what parameters are appropriate.
You’ve created an object. You’ve named that object. What else can you do with the object? You can tell it to do something. (Some programmers say that this is “calling a method” others say it is “sending a message to the object”.) The typical form is
For many of your programs, you will find the following classes useful:
objects provide
and println
methods. You can create PrintWriter
object that print to the terminal (or to “standard output”) with new, true)
. You can create new PrintWriter
objects s that write to a file with new
and similar objects. You can create a new File
object with new
. For now, you will not use files directly. Instead, you will create them as parameters for PrintWriter
objects and other
objects in a multi-step process, first creating a Reader
object and then building a BufferedReader
from it. For standard input, you can use new
. For a file, you can use new
. BufferedReader
objects provide a read()
method to read a single character and a readLine()
method to read a full line of text. They also provide some more sophisticated procedures for marking points in the input and backing up to those
object that reads from standard input with new java.util.Scanner(
. You can also read from a file or even from a string. The next()
operation returns the next token as a string. The nextInt()
, nextDouble()
, and nextFloat()
methods return the next token in the obvious type. What happens if the next token is the wrong type? We’ll try it and find out.We now know all the basic components of a Java program, so we can write a typical “first program” which writes a greeting to the screen. (This one is slightly more complex than one you may have seen previously, but it also does a better job of revealing some basic Java issues.)
public class First {
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
// Describe the two names of objects used in the program. pen;
java.lang.String greeting;
// Create objects and associate the names with those objects.
pen = new, true);
greeting = "Hello";
// Tell one object to do something.
} // main(String[])
} // class First