Lab: Iterators

Monday, 2 October 2023
We explore mechanisms for constructing iterators in Java. We also touch a bit on anonymous inner classes.

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Exercise 1: Anonymous comparators

Write a new class with a main method that creates a priority queue of strings that is ordered by string length, adds a few strings, and then removes the strings.

You may use either java.util.PriorityQueue or BuiltinPriorityQueue for your priority queue.

You should use an anonymous inner class to build the comparator for the priority queue. If your compare method is presented with two equal-length strings, it should compare them alphabetically.

Exercise 2: Iterating array-based structures

As you may recall, the ArrayBasedStack class has two fields, an array called values and an integer called size.

a. Sketch (that is, make notes on but do not write the Java code for) an iterator for the ArrayBasedStack class.

b. Compare your answer to the iterator presented in

Exercise 3: Iterating linked structures

As you may recall, the LinkedQueue class has two fields, front and back, each of which reference a node.

a. Sketch (that is, make notes on but do not write the Java code for) an iterator for the LinkedQueue class.

b. Compare your answer to the iterator presented in

Exercise 4: Iterating array-based queues

You may have noted that the ArrayBasedQueue class lacks an iterator. Write one. Your iterator should present the elements starting and the front of the queue and ending at the back.

Your code will likely look something like the following.

public ArrayBasedQueue<T> implements ... {
  // ...
  Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new ArrayBasedQueueIterator<T>(this);
  } // iterator()
  // ...
} // ArrayBasedQueue<T>

public ArrayBasedQueueIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
  ArrayBasedQueue<T> abq;
  int i;

  public ArrayBasedQueueIterator(ArrayBasedQueue<T> abq) {
    this.abq = abq;
    this.i = 0;

  // ... this.abq.values[this.pos] ...
} // ArrayBasedQueueIterator<T>

Exercise 5: Implementing remove in array-based queues

You may have noted that java.util.Iterator provides a remove method. Implement that method for your iterator for ArrayBasedQueue.

For those with extra time

If you find that you have extra time, you should attempt the following.

Extra 1: Anonymous iterators

Convert your iterator for array-based queues to an anonymous inner class. You should now be able to do without the field that refers back to the associated array-based queue.

Extra 2: Implementing remove in linked queues

Implement the remove method for the iterator for LinkedQueue.

Note: This is a pain in the neck and may involve special cases.


This lab was newly written in spring 2019. It was revised somewhat in Fall 2023.