Algorithms and OOD (CSC 207 2013F) : Readings


Summary: We consider the essential features of queues, one of the forms of linear structures. We also consider a novel implementation of queues.

Prerequisites: Linear Structures, Arrays, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Stacks.

Queue Basics

Now that you understand about linear structures and stacks, you will find that queues are also fairly simple. Queues are linear structures structures that implement that first in, first out (FIFO) policy. That is, the value returned by get is the value least recently added to the stack.

Why do we have queues in addition to stacks? Because for many applications (such as to-do lists), stacks are inherently “unfair”. In particular, if you do a lot of put and get operations, you will not get the first element you put until after you've dealt with everything else. (Yes, that's the intent of stacks, but it's not very fair if, for example, you use a stack to deal with incoming mail messages or phone calls.)

As you may recall, we often use object-oriented programs to model real-world systems. There are many places in which things end up “in line” (or “in the queue”, if you're in Great Britain). For example, if you are modeling a retail store, the lines at each cash register can be modeled by queues. (It's a little bit harder to deal with people who cut in line, but we won't worry about such issues right now.)

An Interface

package taojava.util;

import java.util.Iterator;

 * A linear structure that follows the last-in, first-out policy.
 * @author Samuel A. Rebelsky
public interface Queue<T> extends LinearStructure<T> {
     * Add an element to the queue.
     * @param val
     *   the value to add.
     * @pre
     *   !this.isFull()
     * @post
     *   The queue now contains an additional element of val.
     * @exception Exception
     *   If the structure is full.
    public void put(T val) throws Exception;

     * Remove the least recently added element that is still in the
     * queue.
     * @return
     *   val, a value.
     * @pre
     *   !this.isEmpty()
     * @post
     *   The structure contains one fewer copy of val.
     * @post
     *   Every element that remains in the queue was added more recently
     *   than val.
     * @exception Exception
     *   If the structure is empty.
    public T get() throws Exception;

     * Determine what element will next be removed by get.
     * @return
     *   val, a value.
     * @pre
     *   !this.isEmpty()
     * @post
     *   Every other value in the queue was added more recently than val.
     * @exception Exception
     *   If the structure is empty.
    public T peek() throws Exception;

     * Determine if the structure is empty.
    public boolean isEmpty();

     * Determine if the structure is full.
    public boolean isFull();

     * Get an iterator that returns all of the elements in some order.
    public Iterator<T> iterator();

     * Put a value at the end of the queue.  (An alias for put.)
    public void enqueue(T val) throws Exception;

     * Remove the value from the front of the queue.  (An alias for get.)
    public T dequeue() throws Exception;
} // interface Queue<T>

An Array-Based Implemention of Queues

At first glance, it may seem as easy to implement queues with arrays as it was to implement stacks with arrays. Unfortunately, because queues behave differently than do stacks, we encounter some significant problems.

In particular, if we follow the stack policy of putting new values at the end of the array, we'll need to implement get by removing values from the front of the array. That, in istelf, is not a problem. However, we'll soon find that we run off the end of the array, even if we have empty space at the front of the array. In stacks, we simply create a new array when we run off the end of the array. However, it seems wasteful to create a new array when there's empty space, available for new elements in the current array. It is possible to “wrap around”, and add new elements to the empty spaces at the beginning of the array. However, such an implementation has many subtleties that novice programmers (and even some expert programmers) tend to handle incorrectly.

A Linked Implementation of Queues

The following was written for someone who had not yet encountered linked lists. Since you have already seen linked lists, you may consider it a refresher.

Is there an easier way to implement queues? It turns out that we can implement queues as a form of linked structure. Linked structures are typically built by creating small objects, which we call nodes, which contain a value and links (connections) to other nodes. You can think of each node as a position in the queue.

As a first step in creating a queue, we create a Node class with two fields, value, which refers to the contents of the node (the value at that position), and next, which refers to the next node. For example, here is the queue A, B, C.

+---+---+     +---+---+     +---+---+
| * | *------>| * | *------>| * | / |
+-|-+---+     +-|-+---+     +-|-+---+
  |             |             |
  v             v             v
  A             B             C

Note that we use a slash to represent the end of the list. If we add the value D to the queue, we get the following:

+---+---+     +---+---+     +---+---+     +---+---+
| * | *------>| * | *------>| * | *------>| * | / |
+-|-+---+     +-|-+---+     +-|-+---+     +-|-+---+
  |             |             |             |
  v             v             v             v
  A             B             C             D

If we get the A from the beginning of the list, we then delete that node.

              +---+---+     +---+---+     +---+---+
              | * | *------>| * | *------>| * | / |
              +-|-+---+     +-|-+---+     +-|-+---+
                |             |             |
                v             v             v
                B             C             D

How do we add to the back and remove from the front? We use two variables, front and back. As the pictures above suggest, adding to the queue simply involves setting the next link of the current back and then moving the back. = new Node(val, null);
this.back =;

Getting the value at the front is equally easy. We extract it from the node and then change the front to use the next node.

Object tmp = this.front.value;
this.front =;
return tmp;

When the queue is empty, front is null.

There are, of course, some special situations we need to worry about. You'll learn about these special situations in the lab.


Unfortunately, some bright computer scientist designed the queue before some other bright computer scientist designed the more general linear structure. Hence, the terms that many folks use for the basic queue operations are not put and get, but rather enqueue and dequeue.

To make our code more usable, we will generally stick with the linear structure terms, although you'll note that we added the other terms for convenience.


This reading is based on a similar reading I created as a part of Espresso, although I have rewritten the code.

Copyright (c) 2013 Samuel A. Rebelsky.

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