Algorithms and OOD (CSC 207 2013F) : Labs

Laboratory: Anonymous Inner Classes

Summary: We begin our explorations of Java's anonymous inner classes, classes without explicit names (hence, “anonymous”) that are declared within other classes (hence, “inner”).

Prerequisite Knowledge: Classes, Interfaces, Interitance, Iterators, Predicates


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Exercise 1:

Exercise 1: Exploring the Basics

a. Read the descriptions of and to make sure that you understand the purposes and components of each interface.

b. Read through so that you can see the shape of the basic experiment.

c. Look at and predict what the output of the experiment will be. Check your prediction.

d. Look at Update the experiment to use SampleGreetable2. Predict the output. Then check your prediction.

e. Look at Update the experiment to use SampleGreetable3. Predict the output. Then check your prediction.

f. Look at Update the experiment to use SampleGreetable4. Predict the output. Then check your prediction.

g. Change the body of GreetableExperiments.main to read

Greetable g = new SampleGreetable4();

What do you expect the new output to be? Check your prediction.

h. Look at Update the experiment to use SampleGreetable5. Predict the output. Then check your prediction.

i. Look at Update the experiment to use SampleGreetable6. Predict the output. Then check your prediction.

Exercise 2: Named Greetables

Design and implement a class that implements the Greetable interface. Your class should have a field of type String called name that gets filled in by the constructor. The objects that your greeter method returns should incorporate the name in their output, but each should give independent output.

Exercise 3: Updating Greeter Output

Create a new class, based on SampleGreetable4, in which the Greeter returned by greeter has an internal field i that gets printed and updated each time the greet method is called. The output should be something like:

Greeting 2 from greeter 3 of 5.

Exercise 4: Fun with Filtering

a. Read through the code of Predict what it's output will be.

b. Run PredicateExample to check your prediction.

c. Update so that it prints out all of the words in the array that end in “e”.

Exercise 5: Configurable Filtering

Extend PredicateExample so that it prompts the user for a string and prints out all of the elements of our array that contain that string.

For Those With Extra Time

Extra 1: Iterating Stacks

Find your stack code and rewrite the iterator method to use the technique described in the reading.

Extra 2: Iterating Queues

Find your queue code and rewrite the iterator method to use an anonymous inner class.

Copyright (c) 2013 Samuel A. Rebelsky.

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