Algorithms and OOD (CSC 207 2013F) : Assignments

Assignment 8: Sorting

This assignment is currently in draft form.

Due: 10:30 p.m., Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Summary: In this assignment, you will explore the implementation of sorting algorithms.

Purposes: To help you better understand the core sorting algorithms. To improve your facility with Java lists and list iterators.

Collaboration: I encourage you to work in groups of size two or three, although you may also work alone. You may discuss this assignment with anyone, provided you credit such discussions when you submit the assignment.

Wrapper (Prologue): Individually read through this assignment and make sure that you understand what is required. Then use the form available at to indicate (a) how long you think this assignment will take and (b) what you think will be the most challenging aspect of this assignment.

Wrapper (Epilogue): When you are done with the assignment, fill out the form available at to indicate (a) how long the assignment took, (b) what the most challenging part of the assignment was, and (c) something important you learned from doing the assignment. If you find that the assignment took much less or much more time than you expected, also include (d) a note as to what might have led to that difference.

Submitting: Please put all of your work in a GitHub repository named csc207-hw8. Email me the address of that repository. Please title your email “CSC207 2013F Assignment 8 (Your Names)”.

Warning: So that this assignment is a learning experience for everyone, we may spend class time publicly critiquing your work.


a. Fork the repository at

b. Clone the repository to your local disk.

Required Problems

1. Write loop invariants for the primary loops in: SelectionSorter.indexOfSmallest, SelectionSorter.sorti, Utils.merge, IterativeMergeSorter.sort, and Quicksorter.partition. You should express your invariants in text/math. If you'd like, you may also add ASCII art to help explain the invariants.

Note that these loops may not yet exist (depending on where you stand in the various labs). That's okay. You should write invariants before writing loops anyway.

2. Finish the implementations of insertion sort, selection sort, recursive merge sort, iterative merge sort, and Quicksort over arrays.

3. Augment your code to count the number of swaps that the procedures do. (This won't help with analyzing merge sort, but should help with the rest.) You will likely want to add a counter to Utils, augment Utils.swap to increment the counter, and perhaps add methods to get and set that counter.

4. The Quicksort algorithm is supposed to do O(nlogn) swaps. Using the work from the previous problem, verify that claim experimentally.

Optional Problems

5. We don't just want to sort arrays. We also want to sort lists. Add a method declaration for an optional sorting method over java.util.AbstractList objects to our Sorter interface. Allow implementers to throw an appropriate exception if they have not implemented this method.

6. It is, of course, possible to turn any array sorting method into a list sorting method: Convert the list into an array, sort the array, and turn it back into a list. Add this approach to SorterBridge>

7. Converting to arrays is inefficient. Hence, we often want to reimplement our sorting algorithms over other types. Implement recursive merge sort over lists. If you'd like, you may assume that both the get and set methods are implements.

8. Implement an in-place Quicksort over Java lists, using only ListIterator objects to access and change values.

Copyright (c) 2013 Samuel A. Rebelsky.

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