CSC161 2010F, Class 35: Multi-dimensional arrays Overview: * Questions on Exam 2 * Multi-dimensional arrays. * Arrays of pointers vs. Arrays of arrays. * K&R example, revisited. * Lab. Admin: * EC for Professor Phillips' Friday evening concert. * I've tried to combine questions on today's reading into the lecture portion. * Detour on SelfGov. * Please take advantage of resouces, like Ally training * No reading for Wednesday! New Qusetions on Exam 2 * Do we need pointers for problem 5? No. * For problem 4, can the analyst be in the same file as shellsort Yes. (You can do it elegantly using #ifdef and such, but you won't lose credit if you don't.) * What does #ifdef do? * Read the book. * What do you mean by a general make rule? One using % style rules. * In problem 4, how does do while work? In contrast to while, which does the test before the body, do-while does the test after the body. * In a while loop, you may do the body zero times; The Insane Detour [Most of this was done on the real whiteboard] * Big O Notation * The Traveling