CSC161 2010F, Class 27: Debugging with DDD Overview: * Your Questions. * Lab. Admin: * Fruit! * Am I spoiling you? * Don't count on it every day * Reading for Friday: Chapters 1 and 2 of Managing Projects with GNU Make. (Skimming is okay.) * Can you guess what I'm going to say about reading responses? * Are there questions about assignment 5? * EC for Jazz Band concert on Thursday Watch SD play Barry the Saxophone * EC for going to Wisconsin, eating healthy food (e..g, deep fried cheese curds) and watching the men's soccer team play Questions on Assignment 5 * Swap returns what? * It modifies the vector * So yes, selection sort modifies your array! Your Questions on DDD and Debugging * What exactly is an inferior debugger? * In the good old days, debuggers were textual. You'd work in the shell. * DDD adds a wonderful GUI to textual debuggers * The textual debuggers are "inferior" * Is there any way to put the -g option in a Makefile and compile it using that? * Certainly. * I was wondering if there are any development environments where we can just chill in there. * Yes, those exist, but we're not going to look at them in this class. * I'm confused by this whole "a" business in the sample session section. * We'll work on it today. Basically, you're looking at an array and the state of that array during the sort. * Do you use this stuff Sam? * No, I believe in textual debuggers * No, I don't write buggy code (and I have a bridge to sell you, cheap) * No, I don't tend to debug without doing a lot of code reading first Lab * Go for it! * Okay, nevermind, there seem to be problems. I'll resolve them and we'll come back to it tomorrow.