CSC161 2010F, Class 12: Binary Representation and Bitwise Operators Overview: * Why study underlying representations? * Basics of binary. * Unsigned integers. * Signed integers. * Some of C's bitwise operations. Admin: * EC for attending tomorrow's Thursday extra: Dr. Davis on Participatory Design. * EC for attending tomorrow's Scholars' Convocation on Iran. * When is the first exam? * Distributed next Wednesday * Due the following Wednesday * Silly note: C is still insanely popular. See * Reading for Friday: IEEE Floating-Point Representation of Real Numbers. + Sam added links for readings to the Web site * Although I have a lab listed for today, we are unlikely to do that lab. * Are there questions on Assignment 3? Questions on HW 3 * In what order should we approach topics? How do we divide things up? + Think about what would have served you best * How do I use code from math.h? + See Examples/HW3/ * Can you show us some examples of atoi? * Done * Do we have to include things we learned only yesterday, like argc and argv? * No * What do you mean about "our implementation of C" * I mean things like "our implementation of C uses 32 bit ints, but not all do." * How should I refer to "our implmeentation of C"? "The implementation of C that exists in the MathLAN as of 2010.09.15, aka 32 bit GCC." Internal Representation: Why Learn It? * Better understand the inner workings of a computer * We run across it regularly (e.g., K&R assume that you understand it) * C programmers like to write code that takes advantage of underlying representation * "Street Cred" - If you can't look at binary, you're street crud. Lack of knowledge loses you respect. * Some interesting design challenges/puzzles * It's beautiful, or at least very nice. Binary * Behind the scenes on most computers, we have a basic representation of values as one of two states * Electronically: On or off * Numerically: 1 or 0 * Logically: True or False * Bit - binary digit * We combine bits into groups * Bytes - smallest unit that the CPU computes with 8 bits * Words - typically the number of bits necessary for an address 32 bits 64 bits * What do the bits mean? It's up to the context and the designer! * They could be an integer or a character or a floating point number or some flags or ... * Even after we know that they're an integer, the designer has made some choices on how to represent integers * Things we should know about * Unsigned integers * Signed integers * Floating point numbers / real numbers * Characters * ... Unsigned Integers * Standard base-two notation * Columnns are organized from left to right * Rightmost column 1's column * Next-to-rightmost is 2's column * Next is 4's column Columns:8421 Number: 1001 Largest number: 15 How do I represent 127 in 8 bits? 01111111 Signed Integers * Need to be able to say "Is this negative or is this positive?" * Need to be able to say "What is the value of this number?" Natural way to represent sign: Leftmost bit * A leftmost 1 means "negative" * A leftmost 0 means "positive" Next question: How do we interpret the remaining bits (for positive numbers, for negative numbers, ...) * Obvious answer: Just like we do in unsigned numbers Signed Magnitude * Silly answer 1: Flip all the bits One's complement * Outside the box answer: Since we know how to represent positive numbers, just convert to positive numbers! * For eight bits: Convert the range -128 to 127 to the range 0 to 255 by adding 128 * Generally: For N bits, add 2^(N-1) Excess 2 to the N-1 * Operational one: To negate a number, flip all the bits and add 1 Two's complement How would you decide which one to use? You would like at a variety of issues: * How easy is it for me to build the add circuitry? * And how big is it? * And how fast is it? * How easy is it for me to build the negate circuitry? * And how big is it? * And how fast is it? * Note: subtract = negate 2nd argument + add * Maybe other operations, too