Functional Problem Solving


Samuel A. Rebelsky

Meeting Times
  • M–F 8:00–9:30 a.m. CST
Office Hours
  • MTuW 1:30-2:30 p.m., WTh 10:00-11:00 a.m. (book) and by arrangement
Class Mentors
  • John Gouwar
  • Nameera Muhammad Dawood
Mentor Sessions
  • TBD
CS Tutors
  • Su from 3–5 p.m. on Teams
  • Su–Th from 8–10 p.m. on Teams

About this course

Welcome to CSC 151-02, Grinnell College’s introductory computer science course. In this course, we will work to develop your experience with algorithmic problem solving. While we will be using Racket as our programming language for this course, you will quickly see that the problem solving skills we learn in this class are applicable to other languages and in settings that don’t involve programming at all.

This semester, CSC 151 will emphasize the digital humanities, the use of computing technology to explore humanistic subjects. While we will primarily focus on text-based digital humanities, we are likely to touch on other approaches, too.

CSC 151 requires no prior knowledge of computer science or computer programming. We’ll teach you everything we want you to know. It’s okay if you have some experience (although this may sometimes put you at a disadvantage; we do things differently), but it’s certainly not necessary.

Read more about the course in the syllabus and the schedule.