EBoard 35: Reading Day

This class will not be recorded!

Approximate overview

  • Administrative stuff
  • Q&A [whatever time is left]

Administrative stuff

General Notes

  • Yay! We have awesome students here today.
    • I guess we always have awesome students here.
  • I hope that the graders and I will have MP5 done tonight.
  • I’m working my way through the paperwork and other materials.
  • I will be deleting this eboard at the end of the term.

Upcoming work

  • Any outstanding work is due Tuesday night.



And and Or

(or E1 E2 E2 ...) evaluates each expression in turn and returns (a) the value of the first truish expression or (b) #f, if none are truish.

(and E1 E2 E2 ...) evaluates each expression in turn and returns (a) #f, if any are false, or (b) the value of the last expression, if all are truish.

Divide and Conquer

 0 : "Aardvark"
 1 : "Anteater"
 2 : "Badger"
 3 : "Bear"
 4 : "Bonobo"
 5 : "Cheetah"
 6 : "Chinchilla"
 7 : "Chupacabra"
 8 : "Dingo"
 9 : "Gnu"
10 : "Hedgehog"
11 : "Jackalope"
12 : "Koala"
13 : "Narwhal"
14 : "Ocelot"
15 : "Orangutan"
16 : "Squirrel Monkey"
17 : "Tapir"
18 : "Tiger"
19 : "Wildebeest"
20 : "Zebra"

a. Search for "Dodo".

lower-bound is 0, upper-bound is 21 
  ; our traditional "lower-bound inclusive, upper-bound exclusive"
  ; midpoint (quotient (+ lower-bound upper-bound) 2)]
midpoint is 10, middle-key is "Hedgehog"
  ; "Dodo" comes before "Hedgehog", so (search-portion lower-bound midpoint)

lower-bound is 0, upper-bound is 10
midpoint is 5, middle-key is "Cheetah"
  ; "Dodo comes after "Cheetah"
  ; (search-portion (+ midpoint 1) upper-bound)

lower-bound is 6,  upper-bound is still 10
midpoint is 8, "Dingo"
  ; "Dodo" comes after "Dingo"

lower-bound is 9, upper-bound is still 10
midpoint is 9, "Gnu"
  ; "Dodo" comes before "Gnu"

lower-bound remains 9, upper-bound is now 9
  ; (if (lowerbound >= upperbound) #f

Key idea of binary search: If the things are in order, and we’ve decided our value is greater than the element we’ve just looked at, it can’t be anywhere to the left of the value we looked for. (Reverse for right). Each time, we can discard half the values we’re looking for.

b. Search for “Ocelot”

lower-bound is 0, upper-bound is 21 
midpoint: 10, middle-key is "Hedgehog"
  ; "Ocelot" comes after "Hedgehog"

lower-bound is 11 (midpoint + 1), upper-bound is 21
midpoint: 16, middle-key "Squirrel Monkey"
  ; "Ocelot" comes before "Squirrel Monkey"

lower-bound is 11, upper-bound is 16 (upper-bounds are exclusive)
midpoint: 13, middle-key is "Narwhal"
  ; "Ocelot" comes after "Narwhal"

lower-bound is 14, upper-bound is 16
midpoint is 15, middle-key is "Orangutan"
  ; "Ocelot" comes before "Orangutan"

lower-bound is 14, upper-bound is 15
midpoint is 14, middle-key is "Ocelot"
Return 14

Side Effects


Sorting and Searching


Running Time?


Numeric Recursion


Tree Tracing
