EBoard 14: Testing

This class will be recorded! Its use is limited to members of the class. Please do not share with others.

Approximate overview

  • General administrative stuff [~10 min]
  • Q&A [~15 min]
  • Quiz [~5 min]
  • Lab [~60 min]

Administrative stuff

Notes and news

  • I feel like I’ve gotten too much “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me” or “I’m sorry to ask you another question”.
    • It’s fine if you’re just being polite, but it feels like more than that.
    • Meeting with you and/or answering questions is part of the job.
    • It’s also part of the job I enjoy.
  • Don’t forget to sign up for CSC 161 this spring!
  • Don’t forget to sign up for a meeting with me if you missed three or more LAs.
    • Sam may send out some APRs.
    • A way of saying “Let’s make sure this person has support.”
  • About LAs.
    • If you got a 1 (S), you’re done with that category of LA.
    • If you got a 0 (U), you should probably do another LA on the same topic. There will be LAs on the first seven topics available on SoLA 2. (And SoLA 3, and SoLA 4, and SoLA 5, until everyone has gotten that LA right, or the semester ends.)
  • Our graders would like to remind you to be careful about following instructions on naming and such. “Read instructions carefully”, they say.
  • I’ve had a lot of you ask me questions about your code while showing me undocumented code.
    • We recommend that you write documentation before you write code.
    • Soon, your model should be document -> write tests -> write code.
    • Soon, I will refuse to help you with undocumented code. (I’ll suggest the same to the evening tutors.)

Tutoring reminders

  • Please use our tutors! They like to work.
    • Those who are working with them say that they are awesome.
    • But please do not DM them outside of their work hours!
  • Evening tutoring will be available 3-5 p.m. Sundays and 8-10 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays in the tutoring channel on the CS team.
  • Individual tutors are also available.
    • Email or DM me to request an individual tutor.
    • You can also contact our Peer Education Coordinator, Sarah Dahlby Albright, directly.

Upcoming activities

Attend (or watch recording) and send a one-paragraph reflection.

  • 7pm, Tuesday, W@G (+1 token)
  • Noon, Thursday, Convocation (+1 token)
    • “Do you have One Hour to Give to Save a Life? QPR is the CPR of Mental Health”
    • I’m still waiting for more details.
  • Thursday open-mic night. [+1 token for attending or performing]
  • Noon, Friday, The Future of the Humanities.
  • 3:30, Saturday, Nov. 21st: Maker Space (+1 token)
  • 7:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday, 21 Nov 2020: Art SEPC Collage, Meet, and Greet (+1 token)
    • Can you tell that I’m trying to get you to do a variety of things?
    • Plus I like art.

Upcoming work

  • Mini-project 3 (due Wednesday at 10:30 p.m. CST)
  • Mini-project 2 redo (due Sunday the 22nd at 10:30 p.m. CST)
  • Reading for Wednesday
  • Lab writeup for today due Wednesday.
  • Quiz today: Documentation (document a procedure; indicate preconditions)
  • Quiz tomorrow: Testing

More getting to E (or at least good practices)

  • Our graders suggest putting your helpers before the procedure that uses them.


Getting to E on MP2

When will MP2 be returned?

Tonight, I hope.


What do I do about the periods when I’m dealing with words rather than sentences? “The sheep says baa.”

Strip them out with (string-replace str "." "").

You might strip them before splitting into words, you might strip them afterwards, using map.

There are also other techniques.


Does your head still hurt?


Could you explain the Where the Wild Things Are joke?


Why do you require particular file names?

Eventually, we’ll be running tests on your code. The test will do something like “Load file foo.rkt, then run this test suite that tests the procedure bar using these parameters.”

I’d recommend using the “save as text” feature.

I sent you two offensively long stories yesterday, one of which was titled “The worst joke ever told”. Are you going to share them.

It’s on the list.

Yay, folks are sending more.


  • Don’t forget to bring up
    • The notes on documentation
    • Your lab writeup
    • DrRacket (in case you want to do some experimentation)
    • Anything else you think may be of use
  • Not Discord (or anything similar). Other people are not valid resources.


  • Groups of three our four!
  • Don’t forget to introduce yourselves.
  • Please follow naming conventions for your conversations.
  • Remember: If you know your group name, you can join even if you haven’t been invited. (That’s one reason I ask you to follow naming conventions.)