CSC151 2010S, Class 41: Analyzing Procedures Overview: * HW 7 * Project Proposals * Analyzing Procedures * Comparing algorithms. * Two related metrics: Time and Procedure Calls. * Counting procedure calls by printing. * Tools for analysis. * Lab! Admin: * We seem to have a number of ill students today. Please take extra precautions this week. (Wash hands regularly, get enough sleep, etc.) * Preregistration is upon us! Please talk to me about what CS course you should take next. HW 7 ; A bit of preparation for testing (define world (image-show (image-new 200 200))) (define yertle (turtle-new world)) (turtle-teleport! yertle 50 50) (define koch-side! (lambda (turtle n side-length) (cond ((= n 0) (turtle-forward! turtle side-length)) (else (koch-side! turtle (- n 1) (* side-length 2/3)) (turtle-turn! turtle -60) (koch-side! turtle (- n 1) (/ side-length 3)) (turtle-turn! turtle 120) (koch-side! turtle (- n 1) (/ side-length 3)) (turtle-turn! turtle -60))))) (define koch-snowflake! (lambda (turtle n side-length) (repeat 3 (lambda () (koch-side! turtle n side-length) (turtle-turn! turtle 120))) ))