Developing Algorithmic Multimedia Exercises (CSC-397 98S)

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The Grinnell Mathematics and Computer Science department has made a committment to broadening the scope and appeal of our introductory courses by incorporating algorithimic examples based on ideas from multimedia and hypermedia. Multimedia and hypermedia have brought many more people to computing, and have shown many people that computers are easy to use. By using multimedia-based examples in our introductory courses, we can continue to emphasize algorithms while making them more interesting to a wider variety of students. This is particularly true for students from outside the sciences who are frequently daunted by the scientific and text-processing examples that still dominate many introductory courses and texts.

The intent of this independent study is to develop appropriate multimedia-based exercises, supporting libraries, and laboratory manuals for our introductory Computer Science courses, including CS103, CS151, CS152, and CS153. As the courses are for beginning students, the exercises and libraries should be well designed and as error-free as we can make them. Along the way, we'll consider the purpose(s) of the introductory courses and the role(s) of multimedia and hypermedia in a computer science education and a liberal arts education.

The members of the project team will be required to

How will students spend their time outside of meetings each week?

Students taking this independent study are expected to be highly self-motivated and self-directed. In effect, they will develop their own "assignments" and "readings". They will also be expected to help each other as problems arise.

If you're interested in this independent study, please send email to

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Source text last modified Sat Nov 22 14:38:17 1997.

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