CSC362 2004S, Class 13: Ambiguous Grammars Admin: * Claim: We can't parse Pascal with a CFG! (We can write one, but not one that checks all the semantics.) * Cool biocomputing talk tomorrow. E.c. for attending *and reflecting*. * Changed due date for project, phase 2. * The newest SEPC members are mathematicians. The CS folks have let us down. Overview: * Ambiguous grammars. * Conditional grammar, revisited. * Disambiguating grammars. * Disambiguating the conditional grammar. * An expression grammar. Ambigous grammar is ... a grammar in which there is more than "interpretation" of the same string. By "interpretation" we mean "parse tree" s ::= epsilon s ::= s s s ::= A s ::= I s E s s ::= I s s ::= X How can we fix this grammar? (How can we fix any ambiguous grammar?) * We *don't* want to change the language * We simply want a new grammar to describe the same language "Background" research: * Find a string with multiple parse trees I I X E X * Decide on the "correct" parse tree The one in which E binds with the closer I * Decide on a policy that describes that correct parse tree Bind E's with closer I's Side note: The theory folks say that some languages are inherently ambiguous, and claim the following example demonstrates why a^i b^j c^k | i = j or j = k Think carefully about your grammar and consider how it leads to ambiguity. s ::= I s E s s ::= I s s ::= X Replace ambiguous rules by less ambiguous rules, often creating new "classes" of things. Claim: The problem seems to come when you can substitute "I s" for the first s in "I s E s". s ::= I t E s t ::= I t E s s ::= I s s ::= X t ::= X Claim: This grammar disambiguates the prior grammar * Must verify: This new grammar is unambiguous FALSE: IIXEIXEX * This new grammar produces the same language as the previous grammar Earlier test: Can we construct two parse trees for the old problem string? No Revised Grammar s ::= I t E s t ::= I t E t s ::= I s s ::= X t ::= X Claim: This grammar disambiguates the prior grammar * Must verify: This new grammar is unambiguous * This new grammar produces the same language as the previous grammar If we were sufficiently precise and had enough time, we'd do a proof by induction --- Our next favorite ambiguous grammar: Infix expressions over variables and integers exp ::= ID exp ::= INT exp ::= exp binop exp exp ::= OPEN exp CLOSE binop ::= PLUS binop ::= TIMES binop ::= MINUS binop ::= DIVIDE This grammar is ambiguous exp / \ exp exp exp | | | INT[3] PLUS INT[4] TIMES INT[5] | | | exp exp exp \ / exp Two normal rules for disambiguating expressions: (1) Order/precedence of operations: times/divide have higher precedence than do add/subtract (2) Left-associativity: Bind left-to-right 3 - 4 - 5 => (3 - 4) - 5 NOT 3 - (4 - 5) (Except exponentiation, which binds right-to-left)