Programming Languages (CS302 2007S)

Homework 4: Representing Images, Revisited

Assigned: Friday, February 9, 2007
Due: Friday, February 16, 2007
No extensions!

This homework is also available in PDF.

Summary: In this assignment, you will expand upon the ideas from the reading on representing images.

Purposes: To give you more experience understanding thinking about how we might represent images and about the relevance of the functional paradigm to that representation.

Expected Time: Two to three hours.

Collaboration: You may work alone or you may work in a group of size two or three. I encourage you to work in groups on this assignment. You may discuss the assignment with anyone you'd like, provided you cite such discussions in your assignment.

Submitting: Email me your answer. More details below.

Warning: So that this exercise is a learning assignment for everyone, I may spend class time publicly critiquing your work.


In the reading on representing images, you experienced a simple representation of drawings as lists of lists of points. While that representation provides an appropriate environment for exploring basic issues (particularly issues of higher-order programming), it is a bit limited as a way of representing images. In particular, it ignores some things that a designer might find useful, such as associating a line size or a color with each drawing. In addition, one might want to provide additional facilities, such as rotation.

A New Representation of Drawings

Consider the following definition of drawings.

A drawing is either (1) a four element list consisting of (a) the symbol
drawing, (b) a color, (c) a pen, and (d) a list of points;
or (2) a list of drawings.

Create the following procedures for working with drawings:

(primitive-drawing color pen pt1 pt2 ... ptn)
Create the basic kind of drawing.
(combine-drawings drawing1 drawing2 ... drawingn)
Create the compsite kind of drawing.
(render img drawing)
Render the drawing on the specified image. For a compound drawing, you'll need to recurse on the subdrawings. For the basic drawing, you'll need to set the pen and color, and then connect the points.
(translate drawing delta-x delta-y)
Create a copy of the drawing, translated the specified amount.
(scale drawing scale-x scale-y)
Create a copy of the drawing, scaled by specified amount.
(recolor color drawing)
Change the color of the drawing (including any subdrawings) to the specified color.

Part Two: Rotation

Write a procedure, (rotate angle drawing), that rotates the given drawing about the origin.

Important Evaluation Criteria

Correct, working, solutions will earn a check.

Particularly elegant solutions that take advantage of higher-order principles and that show evidence of refactoring are likely to receive a higher grade.

Non-working or incorrect solutions will earn a lower grade.

Submitting Your Homework

Please submit this via email, using a title of CSC302 HW4.

Attach the files that you've created to that email message.



Thursday, 8 February 2007 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]


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Samuel A. Rebelsky,