CSC302 2006S, Class 10: Lab on Continuations Admin: * If, when the semester ends, you would like any of the instances of your name removed from the course Web site, please let me know then. * Office hours end at 1:45 today. * Don't forget the Math/CS lunch! * Questions on the homework? * The hidden dangers of posting assignments online. * Lab by Oge. Overview: * Lab! Questions: * Can I write functions in C that have untyped parameters? * Yes, you can use the varargs facility. * But then you need a way to figure out the type of the parameters (and C doesn't give you one)a * A better solution: Use pointers, and cast as appropriate. (define better-list-product ; Put the let/cc here? (lambda (ls) ; Put the let/cc here? (let/cc k (let kernel ((ls ls)) ; Put the let/cc here? (cond ((null? ls) 1) ((zero? (car ls)) ; Put the let/cc here? No, has no real effect. (k 'zero)) (else (* (car ls) (kernel (cdr ls)))))))))