CSC223 2004F, Class 29: More Swing Graphics: Debugging Admin: * Missing: Omondi * Math/CS table today, noon, Cowles; Department pays if you're not on board * Cool talk Wednesday: Sam Martin, Cassie Schmitz, Stephane Nyombayire: Web Raveler: Mediating the Web or "How we spent the summer writing tools to violate copyright", 4:15 snacks, 4:30 talk, snacks in math lounge, talk somewhere nearby * Read Design Heuristics, 4-7 for Wednesday. If you can't do it all, that's okay. BRING QUESTIONS! * Homework for Friday: Finish graphics stuff * Prospies on Friday Overview: * The problem: Graphical program works incorrectly * Possible approaches * Work! Technique: Attempt to understand system more through "observation" ("the printf method") * Hypothesis: Things are being drawn in the wrong order. Test it by adding more print statements. * Sam and Evan Technique: Attempt to improve the system by trying programming alternatives ("hack at it until it works") * Try drawing different kinds of components * Sam and Ryan * Override the paint method in the container * Luis, Omondi * Try a different model for creating components (similar to the sample code you see online at Sun) * Sam and Ryan Technique: Increase understanding through *reading* * Read the API * Louisa and Chase * Google it * Louisa and Chase Hybrid Technique: * Find example code that works and rewrite ours to match it * Jesse and Mark Technique: Look at *your code* for "silly" errors * Merrick, Gene Technique: "Junk the whole thing and start again" THINGS WE'VE LEARNED OR WONDERED ABOUT: * If we click on one button, is it supposed to change others? Yes. New Goal: Make the program do something fun * Make sure to share your files so that we can play with them