CSC223 2004F, Class 41: Patterns (5): Behavioral Patterns Admin: * Attempting to decrease their participation grade: Evan (just late), Kat, Luis, Chase, Merrick (very late) * Donuts! * Project due Friday. * Questions? * The specification is vague: Make it fun, Make it work, Document format of bugs, including interesting bug design * Final essays due a week from Friday. * Questions? "Approximately 2000 words" (Sam prefers APA) * Custom evaluation due Friday. * Standard evaluation filled out in class on Friday. * Cool thing Saturday: Kumail the Komedian (7 pm, South Lounge) * Participation grades distributed * Extra credit options: * Chemistry Convo * Body Image Convo * Arjun Guha (Math) * Cassie Schmitz, Sam Martin, and Stephane Nyonbayire * American Studies Master Class on Incarceration * Davis Hart, Oge Nnadi, Dimitar Tasev * Liberal Arts Debate * Kumail Nanjiani (coming Saturday) * Sorting books Overview: * The why of behavioral patterns * A list of patterns and their basic categories * Questions? * Other relationships /Behavioral Patterns/ * Simplify method calls (message sends) by an appropriate structure * Permit more interesting sequences of method calls (or method design) * Attempt to simulate things the designers didn't put into the language * Lots of cool things from functional programming (function as first-class values) * Command * Template Method * Strategy * Visitor is something like Scheme's map * Like Exceptions, but different * Chain of responsibility * General good ideas from other languages * Iterator /The Patterns/ Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy, Template Method, Visitor Functional Programming Simulations: * Command: Treat a function as an object (adds other cool things, like undo; doesn't really let you build them on the fly) * Related functions do different things * Strategy: Treat a function as an object, using interfaces (permits us to vary implementation) * Related functions do the same thing in different ways * Template Method: Parameterize functions through subclassing * Scheme: (define sort (lambda (comparator lst) ...)) * .... smaller(x,y) ... and subclass defines smaller * Visitor: Apply a function at every position in a complex structure * Like map Traversing Complex Structures (Collections) * Visitor: Visit every position in a complex structure *and do something at that position* (internalizes traversal) * Iterator: Return every value in a complex structure, one by one. (External thing responsible for "give me the next thing in the structure") (externalizes traversal) * The simplest iterators provide one method: next() throws OutOfElementsException() try { while (o = ... } catch (OutOfElementsException ooee) { // We expect this } catch (Exception e) { // Crash and burn } * Interpreter: Build and traverse a structure that depends on the input Patterns that relate to state * State - Encapsulate the state in a contained object, change behavior by changing the object * Eliminate case statements (Avoid explicit case analysis by using contained objects) * Not (if state==active ... else throw new Exception("foo")) but (state.doWhatever()) public class Inactive implements State ... throw new Exception("foo") * Observer: Ask for notification of state changes * Memento: Encapsulate state for saving and restoring (save to disk, ...) Others (Sending Messages to a partially-known object): * Chain of Responsibility - Provide a sequence of objects that might respond to a message * Gas station example: "Who will provide me with gas?" * Reminder: A car object needs gas, where does it get the gas from? Illustration of "different ways to get an object to use" * Some languages make c-o-r implicit (LINDA) * Mediator - Combine related objects and have them call a central mediator rather than each other * Like the ATM example from Riel * Like Facade (the book tells us so) * Facades group things for external calls * Mediators group things for "internal" calls * Observer - I want to receive messages Observation: * Sometimes the "why do they have two very similar patterns" tells us more about the patterns Questions: * What does it mean that "behavioral patterns use object composition rather than inheritance"? (Particularly given taht Template Method uses inheritance.) * Typical method of adding functionality is "include as a field" rather than "make a subclass" * Chain of Responsibility: Don't create a new subclass that can handle the request, include a field that lets us pass the request to another object * Visitor: Don't create a new subclass for "Do something to everything in this tree", pass in the "do something to a node" * There is a claim in "Chain of Responsibility" that you can choose the chain at runtime. Can you explain? public class RequestHandler { RequestHandler nextHandler; public void handleRequest(Request r) { if (icanhandle(r)) handle(r) else if (nextHandler != null) nextHandler.handleRequest(r); else // Sorry, your request is lost } } RequestHandler default = johnDavidStone; default = new RequestHandler("sam rebelsky", default); default = new RequestHandler("evan case", default); // Whoops! Evan graduated default = default.nextHandler; default = new RequestHandler("eryn o'neil", default); // Whoops! Sam gives useless answers default.nextHandler = default.nextHandler.nextHandler; Summary of Design Patterns: * Encapsulate things that "professional object-oriented programmers do" * Provide a framework that encourages careful documentation of new patterns * Provides a language to talk about design ideas