CSC223 2004F, Class 17: Presentations on Bugs Admin: * Math/CS Lunch (Cowles, North PDR area) * Next topic: Swing * I'll take sarcastic notes while the groups present * Homework for Wednesday: * Think about expressing weights * Test that hashing of pairs really works. Overview: * The Four Skippers * The Multi-Majors * Jesse's Gang * Glimmerers + 1 /The Fearsome Foursome: World Implementations/ * Available at * Five implementations of worlds. * perflog.txt gives performance evaluation * Performance test (40K bugs) * Puts a lot of bugs in the world * Gets the stuff around them * Removes the bugs * Search list was slow and simple * Decided to do Vector of Vectors as more space efficient than 2D array * Their code sucks, too * The two-dimensional arrays don't have huge space overhead, even in sparse worlds. * Ryan screws up massively by claiming that binary search is O(nlogn) /The Multi-Majors Talk About Bugs/ * Some delay as they set up their computer. * Implemented the state machine for bugs * First: Designed a bug, which they're having trouble finding. Found it. * Bugs start wandering. They have input from the world. * Format: State (string), Detect world, New State, Action * Bugs forget that things are chasing them * Sam thinks: * Should we have a "weight" for various rules. * What are the format requirements for the various components? * What are the legal things that it can detect /Jesse's Gang talks about Worlds/ * Not as nice as the first group. Happy that it didn't crash. * Similar implementations to the other groups, except for trees * Their tree is self-balancing (more or less) * Question: Can you use Java's tree. No. * Strategy: Rebalance when 25% of tree changes * Easiest to implement: 2D array (maybe list) /Glimmerers + 1: Bug Implementations/ * Hash tables of hash tables