Software Design (CSC-223 97F)

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Survey on Web Resources

As we reach the midpoint of this term, I'd like to learn a little bit about your usage of Web resources in the class. Why? Primarily, so that I can improve these resources for the second half of the class, but also because I'm thinking of writing a paper comparing usage of these resources. This anonymous questionaire gives you a chance to give me some more feedback on the resources.

Before filling out this survey, please take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter test at

Learning Style

What is your Keirsey/Meyers-Briggs type?

Use of Outlines

How often do you refer to the outlines during class sessions?

1: Never
2: Rarely
3: Once in a while
4: Often
5: Always

How often do you refer to the HTML outlines after class sessions?

1: Never
2: Rarely
3: Once in a while
4: Often
5: Always

How often do you refer to the HTML outlines in the few minutes before class starts?

1: Never
2: Rarely
3: Once in a while
4: Often
5: Always

Do you find that the outlines are a help or hindrance to learning (or both)?

They help
They hurt


Do you print the outlines?


Any recommended changes to the outlines?

Other resources

Do you use the computer to take your own notes?


Would you like access to your fellow students' notes?


Would you be willing for your fellow students to have access to your notes (provided, of course, that authorship is anonymous)?


Would you like to have web-bsaed copies of what I write on the blackboards?


Any thoughts on availability of stuff done "in class"?

What, if any, other resources would you like me to make available on the course web?

Any other comments on the course webs?


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Disclaimer Often, these pages were created "on the fly" with little, if any, proofreading. Any or all of the information on the pages may be incorrect. Please contact me if you notice errors.

Source text last modified Mon Oct 27 08:51:13 1997.

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