Software Design (CSC-223 97F)

[News] [Basics] [Syllabus] [Outlines] [Assignments] [Studies] [Examples] [Readings] [Projects] [API]

Final Review

Over the course of this term, we've visited a number of topics in CS223. This document attempts to summarize what we've learned and how we've learned it. It is not comprehensive; there is a chance that I will test you on things not explicitly mentioned here.

A set of sample questions is also available.

Sources of Information

As with many courses, the ideas you've learned (or should have learned) in CS223 come from many places, and not just from lecture or readings. Here are some sources I base my expectations on.


[News] [Basics] [Syllabus] [Outlines] [Assignments] [Studies] [Examples] [Readings] [Projects] [API]

Disclaimer Often, these pages were created "on the fly" with little, if any, proofreading. Any or all of the information on the pages may be incorrect. Please contact me if you notice errors.

Source text last modified Mon Dec 8 09:06:09 1997.

This page generated on Mon Dec 8 09:08:49 1997 by SiteWeaver.

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