Software Design (CSC-223 97F)

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Behavior in Class

I would not have thought it necessary to discuss appropriate classroom behavior, but student behavior in a recent class suggests otherwise. This admittedly sketchy document is my first attempt to lay some ground rules for appropriate behavior. While some of what I say is also supported by offical rules in the student handbook, you should be acting appropriately because it's right to do so, not because there are penalties associated with inappropriate behavior.

First and foremost, you are expected to treat each other with respect. Among other things, this means that you should not make comments intended to offend other members of the class. You should also pay attention when other students are speaking, and act as if each member of the class has valuable contributions to the class. (In fact, every member of the class does have valuable insights to contribute.)

In addition, you are expected to treat the classroom and your learning with respect. You should come to each class prepared to learn and willing to ask and answer questions. You should also make sure that your comments and suggestions move the class forward, and are not intended simply to distract or confuse.

I will admit that I have conducted a somewhat casual class, because I find such an environment facilitates learning. However, recent behavior suggests that, at least for the time being, you need somewhat stricter limits. In a few weeks, we will discuss the possibility of returning to a less formal setting.

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Disclaimer Often, these pages were created "on the fly" with little, if any, proofreading. Any or all of the information on the pages may be incorrect. Please contact me if you notice errors.

Source text written by Samuel A. Rebelsky.

Source text last modified Wed Oct 1 12:42:51 1997.

This page generated on Wed Oct 1 12:43:13 1997 by SamR's Site Suite.

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