CS Behind the Curtain (CS195 2003S)

Laboratory: C's Bitwise Operations

Summary: In today's lab, you will explore C's bitwise operations and the applications of those operations.



Exercise 1: Setting Selected Bits

Kernighan and Ritchi claim that

x &= ~077;

sets the last six bits of x to zero.

a. Explain their claim.

b. Write a program that helps you verify that claim.

c. Explain how to set the last six bits of x to one. You may want to verify your answer with a variant of your program from step b.

d. Explain how to set the last seven bits of x to zero. You may want to verify your answer with a variant of your program from step b.

e. Explain how to set the last seven bits of x to one. You may want to verify your answer with a variant of your program from step b.

f. Explain how to set the last five bits of x to zero. You may want to verify your answer with a variant of your program from step b.

g. Explain how to set the last five bits of x to one. You may want to verify your answer with a variant of your program from step b.

Exercise 2: Reading About Flags

Read the manual page for the Unix/Linux open system call. How would one use bitwise operations in calls to this procedure?

Exercise 3: Printing Binary Representations

Write a procedure, void printBits(int i), that prints the bits in i.

Exercise 4: Right Shift

Kernighan and Ritchie note that

Right shifting a signed quantity will fill with sign bits (arithmetic shfit) on some machines and with 0-bits (logical shift) on others.

a. Determine what happens on our machines.

b. Determine what happens in Java.

Exercise 5: Rotating Binary Representations

a. Write a function, int rightrot(int x, int n), that returns the value of the integer x rotated to the right by n bit positions. (This exercise is essentially the same as Exercise 2-8 of Kernighan and Ritchie.)

b. How or why might you use rightrot?




Tuesday, 11 February 2003 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]


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Samuel A. Rebelsky, rebelsky@grinnell.edu