CS Behind the Curtain (CS195 2003S)

Homework 1: Binary Search, Revisited

Summary: In this assignment, you will implement a version of the standard binary search algorithm.

Assigned: Tuesday, 21 January 2003.

Due: noon, Wednesday, 22 January 2003.

Citation: Much of the problem statement is based on Column 4 of the second edition Jon Bentley's Programming Pearls.

Bentley, Jon (2000). Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Collaboration: You may certainly discuss the assignment with other students. However, each student should turn in his or her own solution. Once you've started to write code, you may not show your code to others.

Reuse: Please do not reuse code you've written previously (except for homework 0) or that you've found on the Web. The goal of this assignment is to see how you do implementing binary search from scratch.

Formatting Guidelines:

Submitting Your Work: Submit your source code with the ECA. If you can't get it to work, email me your source code.


Implement (in Scheme or Java) the following version of Binary search. If you use Scheme, substitute vector for array in the problem statement.

Reflect on the errors discussed in class and then perform enough analysis and testing that you are confident that your binary search is correct. I'd appreciate it if you showed me your testing steps.

Note that the standard way to keep track of a range within an array is with two integer values, one of which gives the lower bound of the range and the other of which gives the upper bound (both inclusive). You can use l and u, lb and ub, lower and upper, lower_index and upper_index, or any other reasonable pair of names for those two values.

Procedure binary_search
Parameters n, an integer
x, a sorted array of integers indexed from 0 to n-1
t, an integer
Purpose Determine if t appears in x.
Produces p, an integer
Preconditions x is sorted in increasing order. That is, x[i] <= x[i+1] for all reasonable i.
n >= 0.
Postconditions If t appears in x, x[p] = t.
If t does not appear in x, p = -1.
Process Keep track of the range within the array that holds t (if t is anywhere in the array). Initially, the range is the entire array. The range is shrunk by comparing its middle element to t and discarding half the range. The process continues until t is found or until the range in which it must lie is known to be empty. (Bentley 2000, p. 34)



Tuesday, 21 January 2003 [Samuel A. Rebelsky]


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Samuel A. Rebelsky, rebelsky@grinnell.edu