CSC152 2006S, Class 23: Polymorphism Admin: * Silly College news: Peter Brown appears in this week's Sports Illustrated * Question: How should the College allocate the new luxury apartments? * Last chance for in-class questions on the exam! * I should have email access over the next few days, but at odd times * Note that it helps when you send me code along with questions * EC for attending Danny Zamora's performance on Thursday or Friday * Reading for Friday: Inheritance (ready Thursday) * Readings take a long time to write. Overview: * Notes on Interfaces * Lab! /Questions on the Exam/ * The algorithm for converting doubles to fractions gives weird results. .3 is not 3/10, but rather 29999999999/100000000004 * That's okay; it's how the algorithm is designed. * You are certainly welcome to write a better algorithm IN ADDITION for a modicum of extra credit. * On the otherwise case of string conversion (problem 4), is the last thing recursive? Yes. Probably something like return min(this.DELETION_COST + costof(source.substring(1), target), this.INSERTION_COST + costof(source, target.substring(1))); * I can't get the damn counting thing to work.